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Sunday, February 27, 2022

David Huggins- Artist and Amorous Abductee

 David Huggins- Artist and Amorous Abductee

By Cole Herrold

So before I even get into this incredibly bizarre and out of this world case, I feel as though I need to warn those before reading that this case deals with incredibly mature subject matter throughout and while I've covered similar cases before with things like murder and similarly with the Antonio Tasca Abduction this case involves a colossal stack of encounters involving this kind of subject material so if your at all uncomfortable with interstellar intimacy now's your chance to stop and check out some of the other cryptids, aliens, and ghosts that litter the site. For those who are sticking around, let me set the stage a bit as to how I came about this case. I've wanted to write about David Huggins for a while now because his story is bizarre, but to me, the most interesting element of his case is that he did not write a book but did some 150 paintings of his encounters with beings from another dimension or planet.

I came across his story while searching for something to watch on Discovery+, and while searching, I came across a bizarrely titled documentary called Love and Saucers. As I read the description, I knew it was something I just had to see, and so I immersed myself for an hour watching the full film and listening to his story. After it was over, I was excited, for this case seemed to my Fortean-obsessed mind to be some hidden gem that just now was picking up some recognition. There were encounters that, should they be accurate in the times they allegedly occurred, describe extraterrestrials that would not famously be described till years and decades later. The phenomenon he experienced occurred earlier than most of the famous cases that since while interesting and mandatory in research, have become old hat and that fact that he captures all these encounters on canvas and has had over 60 encounters with these beings. Yet while the documentary was very detailed and tried to have a wider lens that allowed the viewers to decide what they thought about David and his encounters as a man now obsessed, I needed more answers. This led me a week later to purchase the book on his life and artworks that was released by Ufologist and neighbor Farah Yurdozu’s Love in an Alien Purgatory: The Life and Fantastic Art of David Huggins. From this book, I learned even more about David's experiences and also that his encounters potentially could illuminate and reveal more details that put a new spin on entities that have been written about in the Ufological literature to death, namely the Grays. 

The Grays, however, while a part of the case, are not the only beings that he had encountered. He also, over his well over 60-year experience with these beings, encountered entities seemingly the same as or related to the Mantids, which he called the Tall Insect-like Beings, a member of the species of extraterrestrial I've come to call the Space Morlocks, which are small diminutive hairy humanoids such as those encountered in Venezuela and France, a bizarre as yet undescribed extraterrestrial who seemed to be a kind of commander of some sort with a bizarre fleshy hairy bun type protrusion that grew from the back of the head, numerous hybrid beings, and a specific one who would change his life forever whose name is Crescent.

David's first encounter with the unknown begins back at the age of 8 on his family's farm in Paulding County, Georgia, in 1952. His family farm was extensive and separated by entire areas of woodlands untouched by axe or development and filled with worn paths that led to some of the other farms in the nearby area. The entire area was extensively removed from traditional urban development and was Rural in the purest sense of the word. David, during this time, would be a major help on his family's farm as he would slop the pigs, mow the grass, feed the cows, and carry in wood, all of which he enjoyed in this rather simplistic life. When not doing this, he would search the field for arrowheads and play with friends or in the area around his family's property. It was during one of these off days that he would have his first of many encounters with a world beyond ours. He was playing near the base of a tree in one of the meadows on his family's property when he heard a voice say "David, behind you!" wondering who had said this as he did not recognize the voice he turned, and as he did so, he saw one of the most peculiar creatures he ever laid eyes on. There standing near the outcropping of trees, was a small figure with dark orangish-brown hair and large glowing yellow eyes which was coming towards him. David was terrified by this small figure he would later call the "Hairy Guy" and at the time thought that perhaps this furry figure was what children had whispered about late at night, namely the Boogeyman. As David stared at the bizarre beast, he noted a peculiar thing that as he stared, his vision changed, and he could see himself as though he was seeing through the Hairy Guy's luminous eyes. This brief second of an experience caused David to become even more scared, and not wanting to be another statistic to the assumed Boogeyman's reign of terror, David ran away. David had made his way to the family barn, looking back only once to see if the creature was in pursuit of him, and as he turned to look, he could see that the creature was returning to the woods.

Later that evening, David had seemingly recovered from his initial fear and decided to return to the spot to see if the creature was still there. As he approached the location, he watched as the diminutive denizen of the woods came out from the trees and once again looked at him. David did not hear a voice or had a similar situation involving a swap of POV, but as he stared at the creature's seemingly self-illuminated eyes, he once more was deeply disturbed and returned home as fast as he could. For the rest of the day, David did not mention his sightings to his parents or siblings and, after dinner, went straight to bed. At about Midnight David woke up and felt compelled to look out the window. As he looked out the window, he saw a large owl sitting in a tree. This owl was seemingly staring right at him, and as David looked at the owl, he noticed something strange the avian animal seemed to have incredibly large glowing eyes. David, eventually tired of observing this voyeuristic varmint, decided to go back to bed. The next day David would recall having a peculiar dream that filled his mind the rest of the night. In the dream, he saw that a group of tiny men had entered his room and got around his bed. He would have this dream for several nights, and also, the morning after his initial sighting of the Hairy Guy promptly forgot about him.

David’s next encounter with strange beings happened the same year. Much like his previous encounter, it was a most unsuspecting of days, and David had gone out to the barn to get a softball or something similar, and once inside the barn, he heard a strange noise coming from the other side of the barn. Perplexed at the origin of the sound, David decided to investigate the cause of the noise and, after leaving the confines of the building, walked around to the side from where the noise seemed to come from. Upon doing so, David saw something that he had never seen before. There standing near the barn, was a colossal creature which David would describe as resembling a gigantic Praying Mantis. Upon instinct at seeing such an entomological entity, he released a loud scream that echoed through the meadows. The being, either just as terrified by the boy or out of some way of protecting itself, began to release a kind of bluish-gray liquid that it sprayed onto David. David was now in the process of running away from the being, and as he looked down at his now goo covered clothing, he noticed in utter amazement that the sludge began to evaporate, rising up as a kind of steam or smoke until it disappeared completely, leaving no stains on either his shirt or pants. After this experience, David had much like during his first encounter with the Hairy Guy, also forgot about the enigmatic insect almost instantaneously after he left its sight.

David would have four other encounters with beings after this encounter with a mantid in 1952; however, as with a lot of his encounters, they tend to not get mentioned outside the walls of his canvas paintings. However, the next encounter that was officially documented occurred in 1953 and chronologically was his 6th encounter. On this occurrence, David was heading down a worn path to go over to his friend’s house, and as he was walking behind the barn and through a field, he had this feeling that he was being watched. As he looked around, however, he could not see anyone at all. It was then as David came to an area with several small bushes that he heard a bizarre sound reminiscent of the mooing of a cow, and as he looked around expecting to see some sort of familial bovine in the area, he noticed a dark gray shape rise up from behind one of the bushes. As David looks at this unfamiliar form, he sees what looks like dark black eyes long and almond-shaped peering at him. David realizing that this was some creature, then said to himself, "Is that a head? Are those eyes?" David suddenly began to feel scared as there was nothing that he knew that could be what he was seeing. He could soon make out that there was also a thin mouth and nose attached to the form and that he was indeed looking at a head. Just then, he had another sense of being watched, this time from the opposite side and as he looked to another bush behind him, there too was another head peering up over one of the bushes. Suddenly he then said, "Why is it so bright" as everything around him seemed to illuminate far beyond what it should, and after this, he fainted and curled up into a little ball. In this state, several small beings in blue jumpsuits approached him. Their faces were dark gray, and they had the same features as the beings peering at him from the bushes. Those even loosely familiar with abduction encounters or alien experiences will know that these beings are the Greys. David in this state did not remember much or what happened while surrounded by these entities, but he does distinctly remember hearing three loud beeps, and the next thing he knew, he was standing chest-deep in weeds without any memory of what transpired before or how he got there. After finding himself in this state, he saw a figure approaching him, and as it came closer, he soon realized that it was his mother with a deeply concerned expression on her face. When she came to him, she told him that she was worried that something might have happened to him as he had been gone for over an hour and his friend was still waiting for him to come over. David could not tell her what happened and did not remember anything about what had transpired only an hour ago.

The next recorded sighting David had was chronologically his 9th and occurred in 1954. David was standing in the backfield of his family's property searching for arrowheads when he felt inclined to look up into the sky. As he did, he saw that there were several forms seemingly falling from the sky. As he looked more intently, he noticed that it was 8-9 of the small gray aliens in blue jumpsuits. He watched as they dropped from the sky and, as soon as they touched the ground, began to run towards him. Completely terrified by this mob of entities, he began to run towards the farmhouse. As he looked back, he could see that the entities started to become invisible as if they did not know that David had seen them. Instead of going in through his door to his room, he went around the farmhouse near the front door and, instead of seeking sanctuary inside, ducked and watched the now visible beings approach the house underneath through the pillars that the house was raised up on. He could see their legs on the other side and saw as the beings stopped as they seemed to of lost their quarry and watched as the entities turned and walked away from the house. David was uneasy by this but eventually went about his day and attempted to get some sleep that night.

That night much like on his first encounter, David awoke from sleep and approached the window as he stared into the inky darkness; he looked up at the moon and noticed a large glowing object fly in front of the moon. David, confused as to just what this object could be, began to look around for some clues, and as he examined the property, he noticed that there standing in the yard were the same beings which had dropped out of the sky that day staring right at him. He was terrified, but as soon as he made eye contact with them, his fear seemed to dissolve from him. David watched as one walked up the steps to the door of his room that led to the outside and looked in complete calmness as the entity proceeded to enter his room. Following this entity were two other Grays and the three beings proceeded to grab David and drag him outside; they forced him to a spot where there was a craft overhead, and while still being held by the entities, he began to float up to the craft. The UFO was a glowing oval shape, and David, as he watched, could see no windows or doors to the object as it appeared to be just one solid object. Yet as he floated upward, he and the other beings somehow managed to enter the object. He found himself in a large metallic room that to David seemed eerily reminiscent of a doctor's office and took note that the other beings had seemingly left him alone except for one Gray, which David felt was a young boy. As David peered, he noticed a woman was also in the room; she was much taller than the Gray and had a rod or wand-like object in her hand. David looked over to the Gray and asked, “Is that your mom?” but the Gray said nothing, and the woman only smiled at David's question. The woman stood in front of a stool with two more of the rod-shaped devices and soon began to approach David. The woman then reached out and twisted David's head back as the Gray held David's arms to stop him from resisting what was about to occur. The female figure took the rod and began to insert it into David's nose. David was deeply uncomfortable by this sudden probe of his sinus cavity and began to resist as much as he could in his state; this caused the female to push the device even harder into his cavity. David could feel that she had inserted something inside his nose, and he began to cry after she removed the tubular structure said to her, "you hurt me" the woman then said, "let me see" she then began to rub his nose, and as David looked into her black eyes the feeling of pain and the terror ceased. The female being leaned over David, and as she did this, David was partially aware that she was removing the memory of this encounter.

This was the first time David encountered this female entity, but it would not be the last. This being who he would later call Crescent would appear during most of his life. Crescent was noticeably female. She had a very pale face but was beautiful; she had large black eyes that sort of swoop in the corners, and in them are blue irises that are extremely intense. She has a small nose, lips and seems to wear a black wig or have black, unkempt hair. The reason for this David felt was so that she could look more human. She had incredibly long fingernails as opposed to an earth woman, yet the rest of her anatomy was not too dissimilar from a typical earth girl. David, upon this first encounter, felt that Crescent was an old being with a very old soul. David would have many further and more exotic encounters with Crescent years later, many of which would change his life even more than the typical abduction would.

After Crescent had left the room, David was approached by yet another extraterrestrial being in the room. This entity was incredibly tall and seemed very human with some exceptions; his eyes were a bright reddish-orange, and on the back of his bald head was some sort of fleshy extension that looked like a kind of flesh man bun. The entity approached David and seemed to him to be some overseer of these beings or at the very least some sort of authority on the ship. The being took David to a large window on the ship, and it was there that David could see that he was in space. He could see Earth in the distance of the dark void, and as David looked out the window, the being talked to him about such things as the Earth, space, and space travel. After this, David was returned home even though he does not remember how or when this occurred. When David woke the next morning, his memories of his off-planet excursion were gone, but he was not left without any evidence of his experience as upon waking up, he found he had a slight nosebleed. David, once these memories returned to him, would describe what the aliens did to him in the following "You know how we tag whales and stuff like that."

During the next couple of years, David would have several encounters with UFOs and beings. David would frequently, during this time, see UFOs; they would only appear one at a time, but he was certain that there were multiple different craft or different kinds of craft that would visit the area of the farmhouse. Most were very similar; they were round or oval-shaped, usually very bright, but on occasion, they were dark, and whenever these objects were around, they seemed to suck out all the noise in the area as if one was "inside a vacuum or something ."One such craft that landed in a field behind his house was incredibly metallic in design and extremely reflective. David would say it was as if it was "mirror-like".

Another time David would encounter the craft was a particularly harrowing moment for him. He was playing in the field when suddenly a bright oval object came down near him. Terrified him and the craft began to enact in what he would describe as a game of hide and seek as the craft chased him. He, as in many previous encounters, began to run away and, upon looking back, soon realized that the object had gone.

Being encounters were just as common as UFOs during this time; some of them were extremely beneficial as the beings occasionally came to protect or save David from danger or death. One day David was playing near the tool shed near his home when Crescent and a little gray came and pulled him close, far away from the tool shed. David, in the arms of Crescent, could only watch as a large black snake came slithering out from under the shed. On another occasion, David was swimming and almost drowned. As he was deep in the pit of the water, he saw a person while he was drowning, and as he was staring at the figure when he heard a voice say, "let him live ."As soon as he heard this voice, he could feel something touching his toe, which he was able to tell was a kind of root. David reached down for it and began to pull on the root making his way to shore.

Another bizarre encounter from this time was with a being unlikely any that David had encountered prior and one that he seemingly would never encounter again. This being was female and incredibly large and was sitting by a tree; she had dark skin as opposed to the pale or gray skin seen on the hybrids and grays David would become all too familiar with and was nude. David would describe the encounter thusly "She was waiting for me under a tree…She was a female. When she opened her arms welcoming me. There was something special about her". The being did not approach David but instead sat silently watching him.

David's memories of his encounters with the beings as a boy differed greatly as some incidents he could clearly remember whereas others he could not recall. Those few times when David could remember his encounters and would attempt to tell his parents about his experiences, it often backfired or was treated as lies. On one occasion, he saw the tall knob headed being outside of his window one night. The being just stood there staring at him with his glowing orangish eyes. David went and told his father, and when his father went to investigate, he found nothing and came in extremely angry at the small boy saying, "There's nobody out there, boy, quit making things up ."His father then beat him for lying. The next day he was behind the house, and he saw Crescent and went up to her and said, "My Mommy and Daddy don't believe me when I say I see you. I got a whipping". As David told the hybrid being about the "chastisement" that the boy experienced, the entity had a look that David could tell implied that she did not like to hear that and said, "Then don't tell them" she then stared into her eyes and after that David never spoke about his encounters to his parents.

On another occasion, David noticed an egg-shaped UFO land on the ground near a tree. He, out of curiosity, walked towards the object and did not see any doors, windows, or openings on any portion of the object. As he came very close to the vehicle, he suddenly found himself inside but had no discernible idea as to how. As he stood in the object, he was approached by a gray alien that David had recognized of meeting earlier during one of his encounters. The being approached him, and David noticed that in this visitor's hands was a glass or plastic container. As David came close to the entity, he looked at the object and could tell that inside the object was a tiny baby Gray inside. The alien made it clear to David that he wanted him to pay attention to the baby and look at it carefully. David, however, at the time did not have any idea as to why the alien showed a baby to a 10-year-old boy. Perhaps the beings were foreshadowing just some of what they had planned for him.

When David had turned 11, he and his family moved from their farmhouse in Paulding County to a new one in Acworth. It was late when they were leaving their old home with the last of their things. David was sitting in the back of the family truck, and as he sat staring out the window, he noticed that there was something in the sky following them much farther back. There, just beyond the tree line, was a craft flying in the same direction as they were headed. David did not say anything to his family about the experience and did not recall any other significant encounters until he turned 17.

When David was 17, he had his 21st encounter with these entities. It was a summer day in 1961, and David was walking in the woods. He was on his way to go hang out with some friends at a nearby lake to beat the heat, and since it was an extremely warm and muggy day, he decided to travel through the shade of the woods until he could cool off in the lake. Upon traveling some distance in, he happened to see a woman reclining by a tree and instantly became frightened as he could tell she was not a normal woman. However, as the woman got up and approached him, he started to become very aroused. The woman who was Crescent, the being who visited him several times in his past, told him to lie down, and David, now extremely sexually aroused, "could not get his pants down fast enough ."He fell onto his back on the soft grass, and Crescent and him began to interact intimately. The two go at it for some time, and as she stares at him, David reaches his climax, which was exceptionally painful and intense. It was at that moment that he lost his virginity, and as he lay there, he soon passed out. When he wakes up some 15-20 minutes later, he has no recollection as to how he got there and as to why his pants and underwear are down around his ankles. So not wishing to delve too deeply into the matter, he proceeded to lift up his pants and underwear and continued off to the lake. David, once this memory came back to him, would say, "Id figure if anything I'd be losing it in the backseat of a Ford, something like that but, no, no, it didn't work out that way at all."

Two weeks after this encounter, David awoke late one night and saw a familiar face. There the Hairy Guy was standing next to his bed and told him to get dressed and come outside. David followed the creature's orders and followed the creature as he led him through the woods to a large egg-shaped UFO hidden amongst a group of trees. The craft was approximately 15ft long and released a soft yet pulsating glow. As they came nearer to the craft, David saw that Crescent and the Praying Mantis-like creature he had seen on his second encounter, which he would from then on call the insect-like Being was waiting for him in front of the object. The three entities escorted David inside the craft; however, just what occurred during his time on the vessel he has no memory of except that he was given instructions to not remember anything and that his memory was erased.

David, after a while, could not take Georgia anymore; he felt that there was nothing there, and he had a strong desire to draw and paint. He had started painting in 1965 or 1966 and had discovered he truly enjoyed working with oils, painting landscapes, still lifes, and portraits. His family was far from accepting of his would-be profession, and on top of that, his home life was slowly crumbling around him. His parents were alcoholics and would fight like cats and dogs with each other. His father was seeing other women, and his parents would take out their struggles on him and his siblings through the use of a switch or a belt. To David, this was Hell and something much more real than when his grandparents would take him to tent revivals as a boy. David eventually, upon his interest in art, heard about the Art Students League in New York City and desired to go. It was during this time that David heard a voice that said, "If you don't leave now, you'll never leave" David then decided that he would do it he was 19 at the time and wrote a letter to his parents and left when they weren't there because he was certain that they would have stopped him.

David's encounters did not stop after he left Georgia for New York City, and in many ways, they became more intense than what he experienced as a boy. David's 26th encounter occurred during the Great Transit Strike of 1965-1966, and during this time, there were no buses or subways running. David, during this time, was attending the Arts Student League and had got a job at a hardware store. It was a Saturday afternoon, and while he was organizing a shelf, he happened to notice a man and a woman enter the store. These people did not enter the store and look at any of the nails or tools but instead intently stared at David remaining next to the door. David, confused and slightly disturbed by this, began to stop stocking the shelves and began to approach the individuals asking, "may I help you?" the individuals did not respond and instead stared at David more intently. Their eyes seemed to be hypnotic to David, and David could only repeat the same question he had already asked them. David was getting very disturbed by their lack of communication and their overall attitude, but before he could speak again, the couple turned and left the store without speaking once. That night after David closed the store, a heavy rain fell over New York, and David grudgingly realized that due to the strike, it would be impossible to get a cab, take a bus, or ride the subway and prepared himself for an inescapable wet walk. When David got to 5th Avenue, he was desperate to find some way of escaping this deluge and decided what the heck why not try to hitch a ride. He waited a little bit with no luck until a big black car pulled to a stop near him. The car window rolls down, and David can see a woman sitting in the driver's seat and asked him, "where are you going?" David replied, "Ma'am, if you can just take me across central park. I can walk the rest of the way home". The woman then told him to get in, and the two drove down the street. During his time in the car, the two rarely talked outside of commenting on the strike and the weather. However, David, during the ride, felt that there was someone else in the car, most notably the back seat, but he, for whatever reason, preferred not to look. The woman drove David straight to his apartment; much to his surprise, and upon leaving, David thanked her, saying, "Thank you very much for the ride you saved me a wet walk ." The woman did not say anything but nodded, but as David looked into her eyes, he realized that her gaze had the same effect as the woman in the store did.

That night David had a dream of a woman's face in the darkness with her eyes closed. The face seemed as though it floated in midair, and he wondered if the woman from the store and the woman who gave him a ride were the same and that this was their face. David, during this period, felt that it was a dream, but he knew it was real even though he doesn't remember anything else during that time. These dream-like visitations occurred over the course of a month, and each night the face seemed more and more real and less visionary. Also, each night of these "dreams," they progressed more and more, and David was able to see more of his surroundings. At first, all it was, was a woman in a dark room, but soon a glow started to appear in the corner. These visions would differ per night; some would be incredibly sharp and clear, whereas, on other occasions, they would be difficult to see. After a while, these "dreams" became noticeably sexual in nature, and David began to call these nocturnal visitations "Sex Dreams" however, he noted that they were much more physical and real than any other wet dream that he had previously experienced.

 During these sessions, it would be revealed that Crescent and him would continue their sexual encounters; however, unlike in their first sexual exchange, they were not alone as in the corner, the Insect-like being would always watch the two. When the morning would come, David would have one last interaction with the beings, and that was that he would hear the phrase "We'll be back tonight ."David, once these words were spoken, however, would forget all about the experience and would associate it all as dreams. On one night during this time, the Hairy Guy came into his room and came over to David and asked, "David can we use your body?" David said, "Yes, you can use it as much as you like ."The Hairy Guy seemed exceptionally happy by David's response, and as he got away from the bed, he disappeared.

During this time span, David did have a girlfriend named Ethel, but this would be exceptionally short-lived because of the beings. One night Ethel woke up in her apartment and saw that surrounding her bed was a group of little men. Ethel was so traumatized by this experience that she immediately ran out of her bedroom screaming for help. Her neighbors hearing her cries, came to her aid and, upon walking her back to the apartment, began to check it for any Intruders, which they found none. This caused her to immediately pack up all of her belongings and move back home to Canada without telling David at all. David would later find out about it one day at the Arts Students League while looking for her when her friend told him what had happened that night. David never saw her again.

The claim of David by these beings was seemingly noticeable or that all of those who would intend to be romantic with him had similar experiences like Ethel. David would note that during his time at the art league that he had several interested parties over the course of his time there, and so he had gone on many dates with many different girls while there. However, David would never get past the first date with any of them; every girl would find some problem or issue that they could not exactly point to with him and would then proceed to turn him down when he would inquire for a second one. It was as if there was some intrinsic marker physically unseen that was put on David, marking him as solely for the entities.

For at least five years, David went through these dream-like visitations with Crescent, and she would visit him about two to three times a week. On one morning, David did not forget the words that the beings had told him about being back that night, but David still conflicted about whether Crescent was real or not needed to find some proof or validation of her existence. He had, upon leaving his classes for the day, began to head home when he passed a florist shop. He stopped at the shop window and saw some pink cyclamens in the window and decided, "I'll get the flowers for her if she takes them tonight I'll be sure that she is real. If not I'll use the flowers as a model for painting". This led to his 41st encounter with the visitors as once he got home, he placed the flowers on a bookcase and proceeded to lay in bed saying out loud, "Those are for you," and then fell asleep. The next morning, he forgot about his purchase of the flowers, but before he left for his classes, he passed the bookshelf and triggered a faint memory, but he couldn't remember of what. While at the school, he visited a studio where a water painting class was painting floral arrangements, and as he watched his fellow peers, he soon remembered about his own purchase of the cyclamens and that as he left that morning, they were no longer there. Crescent had took the flowers.

On his way home, he realized that they were going to come back again tonight, and so excitedly, he began to clean up his apartment, including washing the dishes. To him, he would later say, "It was like I was gonna have a date. We weren't going to be going out, but as a date". That night he noticed a bizarre object on the wall facing his bed. The object was about the size of a quarter, and David could feel a strange energy that filled his body. This peculiar energy seemed to alter his consciousness even though he was alert and aware of himself and his surroundings. As he was trying to understand why he felt this way, he noticed that his apartment had become extremely quiet, seemingly unaffected by Manhattan's usually polluting sounds. He fixed his gaze, however, on the quarter size of the wall but watched as the circular object slowly began to grow, becoming larger and larger until it was notably see-through. Yet what was on the other side was something particularly bizarre. He did not have time to think about just what was on the other side, but then he noticed the Insect-like being walk into his room from the glowing circle. After the Monstrous Mantis entered the room, another figure followed, which was Crescent and after her two small grays. David, however, was more focused on Crescent, and as he looked at her, he felt a pleasant energy from her. David was still in bed during this sudden intrusion of his room and watched as Crescent approached him. She proceeded to sit down on the bed next to him and then began to look at him, then over at the bookcase, and then looked back at David smiling the whole time.

Crescent then leaned in close to David’s face and began to rub her forehead to his. David, during this interaction, knew that this was the equivalent of "kissing" on her alien world. There was a deep warm feeling that emanated throughout his body while they rubbed heads. David would say about that in this instance, "There was something very beautiful, something very lovely about her. She had a very nice body, and that the only thing different was that she had very long fingernails, very large eyes, and her face was rather pale. My relationship with Crescent was warm and friendly. She was my girlfriend. Even though the relationship was rather strange". After they stopped rubbing heads, they began their familiar nocturnal interaction, and as they began, David felt that there was a special kind of bond between them. David was beginning to feel what most of us would seem to be impossible that he and Crescent were falling deeply and seriously in love. This was to him cemented once he laid back, and Crescent proceeded to have an intimate encounter with him. David had taken notice that whenever these encounters occurred, his body was in a kind of paralysis, and so movement of any sort was difficult. As they engaged, David noted some differences from his previous sexual encounters with Crescent as this time she laid closer on top of David's body and began to make a very "soft melodic sound like the purring of a cat ."David had an almost ASMR style response to this sound, and as Crescent continued to make this noise, he laid with his head back, and his eyes closed, enjoying the calming sound. After their moment of intimacy, David opened his eyes, and Crescent got up.

As David watched Crescent walk from the bed, he soon remembered that during this time, they were not alone as the Mantis-like entity was still in the corner, having not moved since he arrived to his room. David began to stand up and began to look over at the circular "doorway" that had opened up in his room and was exceptionally curious as to where it goes and how it worked. As David approached the opening, Crescent could see that he was curious and said to him, "If you would like to go, go ahead ."David did not hesitate and proceeded to enter the opening. The room David entered was exceptionally bright and white and similar to those he had been in on other trips as a boy. As he turned, he could see that the doorway was still open and that he could still see his bedroom from it. Crescent and the Mantid came shortly after David, and as David looked around in the room, he saw the Hairy Guy as well as another Gray. Once everybody was on the other side, the doorway began to close up, closing off David's access to his room for the time being. David walked over to a large window and could tell that he was now in space as he could see Earth floating far off in the distance. David was extremely confused by this and the technology of these beings, wondering just how he was able to travel such a distance in a matter of a few seconds. David eventually was returned home, and he returned the same way as how he left, yet just as the door closed on him once he was safe in his room, so too did at least for now was the doorway for interaction with these entities as the beings did not visit him for several weeks.

After a few weeks, the encounters returned. One of the most interesting and, in a way, foreshadowing experiences during this time was a dream-like state that David had. In this "dream," he saw what appeared to be a naturally made cave system that seemed to be from Earth which had several UFOs going in and out of it. David got the impression that this was an underground facility for these entities. David would call this area the "parking lot," and he would it would seem to get the chance to see the inside of this complex.

David’s 48th encounter, which occurred in 67’ with these entities and possibly his most important both in his life and in regard to the abduction phenomena in general, happened on the most unassuming of days while David was painting. David noticed that the circular doorway that he had seen before began to open up on the wall. As he turned to look at it he could see Crescent standing in an unfamiliar place, but he was less focused on her surroundings and more on her. He could tell from her face that she was deeply distressed by something. She wasted no time in telling him just what was wrong and blurted out, "David, the baby's dying". David was taken back and confused by this as he had no idea of just what she was talking about, and he replied, "What baby?". Crescent got more distressed and answered quickly, "You're baby, but it's dying ." David, clearly taken away but honing in on some internal paternal instinct, buried him blurted back, "Show me my baby". Crescent instantly refused, and David became very angry about this and repeated himself three times, raising his voice each time she refused. He did this three times until she finally caved and went over to a container-like object and opened it. From this cylindrical tank, she withdrew a small infant that looked very gray-like in the face and with pale skin. She held the baby out towards David for him to see, and the child simply dangled. David instantly was distressed as to how she held the child, stating, "No, No, don't hold the baby like that. Cradle the baby in your arms. Listen, I've got to come there". David felt some paternal need to care for the offspring and make sure that the child survived. He was beginning to approach the doorway when Crescent said "No, You're not allowed". David became angry by this saying, "My baby's dying, and I can’t come there? Watch this!". David proceeded to lay down on his bed and proceeds to instantly pass out; upon doing so, David is instantly in the place where Crescent is.

As David looked around, he noticed that this was not the spaceship he was so familiar with but a dark, dingy, cavernous place. David looking around, however, noted that many of the same entities that he had witnessed on the ship and in his room were there as there was a number of Grays, the Hairy Guy, as well as several Insect-like beings, yet amongst them were several nude big women who he could tell were hybrids like Crescent. One of the insect-like beings approached him and seemed very angry at David, saying, "What are you doing here?" and David replied quickly that his baby was dying and that he had to see and hold him. The Insect-like being refused, and David kept on insisting that he had to see him; this continued for some time until David finally broke down crying, got on his knees, and begged the entity. At this point, the Insect-like being (as well as the other entities) then surprised by his reaction and, in a way to have him stop, agreed to let him hold the baby. David then looked and saw Crescent nearby, still holding the baby. He got up and walked over to her and the infant, and as he did so, David noted that it was like he was looking through a white screen and as he leaned forward towards Crescent and the baby, the screen cleared, and upon seeing the child he was for some reason disturbed and proceeded to lean back upon which the screen returned. David eventually, however, overcame whatever fear or ailment upset him and returned through the spectral screen to Crescent and the baby. David looked at his child for a moment, and as he reached down to touch him, a kind of electric energy came from out of his fingers, and the baby began to move and come back to life. David was completely surprised by this and said, “Wow did you see that the baby’s moving, let me do that again," upon which he touched the baby again, and sparks came forward. He was then surrounded by several of the other alien species, all of which were both excited and surprised that a mere touch could generate such a reaction.

 After this, the insect-like Being came forward and said to David, "Come with me," and he took David to a room that was filled with a couple of hundred small containers. These containers made up almost the entirety of the room, with two exceptions. The first was a large machine that emanated a humming sound and near it a plain wall with a large symbol on it that was similar to the letter T. The Insect-like Being called this room an "incubator room," and as he peered into the around, he could see that in each was a little gray baby. David, in complete shock, looks over to the entity and asks, "Oh my god, whose babies are these" the Mantid being said nothing but pointed right at David. David could not believe this but then said in complete shock, "how am I going to send all of these kids to college”. The Mantid then took him over to the containers and allowed David to touch each and every one of the children, and just as with the child that Crescent held, an electric spark spurted from the fingers, which seemed to help the babies.

After David was done, he was extremely tired and weak, as if his energy was drained, and this continued when he woke up in bed the next morning. David felt terrible and proceeded to stay in bed to sleep all day, but late that night, he was awakened by the Insect-like Being. The entity managing to get David out of bed marched him to a place that had an opening like a door that was encompassed by light. This light was exceptionally bright, and David would say "pure," and David was told by the Mantid to enter the room. In the beginning, David did not want to go into the room, but the entity insisted that David had to go into the room, and so David slowly and cautiously walked into the illuminated room. The entity had David stay in the room for a few minutes before telling him to come out and walking him back to bed. The reason for this strange visitation would be revealed the following morning when David woke up. That morning David felt extremely healthy and energetic, and this feeling lasted for several weeks afterward.

A month had passed after this last encounter, and David had moved to a new apartment. This was in 1968, and during the first couple of months, David had no visitations or any other bizarre interactions, but then one night, while he was listening to the radio intermittent between the regularly scheduled program, David heard a voice saying, "we know where you are…". David was at first confused but then settled that this was just part of the program, but then out of nowhere, he suddenly felt an overbearing sadness come over him, which spiraled into a full-on depressive episode. Then immediately after this, the same voice returned, saying, "Everything is fine…It's Alright". David, in an almost trance-like state, began to remove his clothes and laid down on his bed, beginning to sob without any inkling as to why. David then jumped up and began to shout "No, No, No!" over and over as if in response to the spectral voice he had heard, and the voice simply replied back with the same message from earlier "Everything is fine…It's Alright". Yet David, for whatever reason, felt that they were lying and that everything was not alright. It was at that moment that David suddenly realized that he no longer was at his house and instead was in the same cavernous lair that he had been to some months prior. He had seemingly arrived there on his own, and the beings were incredibly surprised by this and his tidal wave of emotions that was unleashed. It was at that moment that two colossal and nude hybrid women came over and attempted to restrain David holding him down as he continued to cry and say, "No, No, No". David then had a sudden realization of just what was making him upset during one of his encounters. David had felt that he had dropped one of the children and, in doing so, killed him. David just kept then crying over and over again, "The baby…The baby died. It's all my fault the baby died". David continued to do this until Crescent showed up to him.

Crescent, now standing before David, lifted him up and said, "David, what is the matter?" to which David replied, "My baby…My baby died. I was holding it then got scared and dropped it. It's all my fault…all my fault". Crescent looked concerned at David and then said, "David, the baby didn't die. See, here's your baby". As David looked to where Crescent had indicated, there was a hybrid woman holding a smiling baby, and so he got up and went over to it and as he saw that his child was not indeed dead or that he did not hurt it that all the feelings of guilt and sadness left him and he said, “oh little baby, you’re all right, yes, you’re all right, oh yes”. The other beings around him were greatly distressed by his initial reaction and then surprised at the sudden change. David had felt that these beings were not familiar with such deep emotions, and he noted that when he was initially sobbing that these beings became scared and sad too for him, but he could tell that they were not used to such feelings. David now became embarrassed at his outburst and because of the strangeness of it that it would be to these entities. David proceeded to apologize to the beings, and the beings, in turn, smiled at David to show that everything was alright. It was at that moment that two of the large hybrid beings went over to the Mantid and asked, “Can David stay?" "Yes, We would Like him to stay," but the Mantid replied rather sternly to the hybrids "No, David has to go back".

 The two-hybrid women then looked hard at David and seemed to be frustrated by this, and David, still thinking that it was because of his outburst repeated his apology. Yet as he watched, one of the nude aliens proceeded to lift her arms up and put her hands up under her breasts, lifting them up, whereas at the same time, the other being crossed her arms and lifted up her breasts as well. David understood just what this meant as it was a clear indication that these beings also wanted to be intimate with David. Yet David had full control of his faculties in this particular case as opposed to what he normally would engage with; with Crescent, he was unsure and unprepared as to just what to do. David, however, "did not want to hurt anybody's feelings," and so he accepted their offer and asked them, "can we be romantic?" he then heard a voice say, "show us". This entire scenario David felt was the beings' way of learning just "how to make love the way humans do" as well as how to express feelings. This expectation of intercourse put David in a new position for these beings as he would become a teacher for these entities. During this initial interaction, this "course" had garnered a large audience as countless beings surrounded him and the two-hybrid women, which of course, caused a bit of a problem for David. David then said to the crowd of ETs, "can we have a bit of privacy" and with this, the entities proceeded to turn and walk away. David, during this sexual encounter, showed one of the hybrid women how to kiss, how to stroke, and how to be gentle in a sexual relationship as opposed to the so-far analytical and cold engagements he was used to from them. During this, the crowd of aliens was still watching, yet they now were watching from a discrete distance.

 Upon finishing this interaction, David lay between the two-hybrid women, and as David looked up at the roof of the underground complex, he noticed an exceptionally bright yellow light. This light seemed to be coming from a hole in the ceiling, and as David stared, he noted that it felt as though he was being pulled into the light. This continued for some time until he ultimately passed out. Upon waking up the next morning, David heard the same voice from last night, this time saying, "The baby is fine, the baby is alright". It was as if the voice wanted David to be certain that he had nothing to worry about and that everything was indeed fine. The beings allowed David to remember the voice and his children for a few hours before making him forget for the rest of the day. This was David’s 63rd encounter with the beings and first sexual encounter with one other than Crescent, but it would not be his last.

Two days later, David returned home to find both the Mantid being and Crescent waiting for him. David noticed that the circular doorway was on the wall and was wondering how long they waited for him. The reason for their visit was simple the two talked to David about coming with them back to the base. Upon which he did, and there they explained to him that they wanted him to make love with the second tall Hybrid Woman who had propositioned herself to David the day of his outburst but who did not have any interaction with him at all that day. David then proceeded to comply with their wishes. David would have several encounters with these hybrid beings, and it was upon one of these that he had realized that these women do, in fact, wear wigs. During one of the encounters, he saw one of the women whose hair was not put on right. The woman realized this and proceeded to take it off; as she did this, David was extremely taken back and, realizing that his reaction was not exactly polite, asked the entity, "should I shave my head" as a way of both apologizing and also to let her know that he was ok with it. During this timespan, David would also see his children and would show both the aliens and his offspring how to behave in a paternal-maternal sense as well as how to keep the children alive. On one specific occasion, he was showing a group of hybrid women and one of his children how to breastfeed.

During this time period, David had one of perhaps the most bizarre encounters during his 60 years of interacting with these beings. On one occasion, David had fallen asleep and dreamed that he was hovering down a dark pit. He hovered slowly, and as he did, so he finally came to land in a dark cave upon which, as he looked around, he noted that there in the room with him was a colossal bird. The bird was much bigger than David and even bigger than any avian that ever existed on this planet. The animal was a bright golden color with shining feathers, and as David stood there just trying to understand what this creature could be and just why he had come into contact with it, the animal proceeded to burst into flames. David felt that at this moment, he was looking at a phoenix, and he attempted to shield his eyes from the intensely hot burning flames and the deep penetrating smoke. This would only last a few seconds as the fire burned out exceptionally quickly, leaving behind only a colossal heap of black ash. As David stared at the remnants of the mythical animal, he soon noticed that the ashes seemed to shift as though something was moving below it. As he watched, he then saw an equally monstrous dark-colored tubular mass like a caterpillar or worm wiggle its way out. David was confused by this and was wondering just why was he shown both the phoenix and what he felt was a caterpillar and would wonder if it had something to do with transformation either for himself or for something he currently was unaware of.

Another encounter David would have a short time later involves a meeting with a Gray alien in his home. The being approached David and handed him a bright blue book which David opened up. The pages of this book were incredibly bright and luminous and appeared to be completely blank. Yet as he continued to stare into the milky void, he noticed that the book was slowly beginning to reveal symbols, images, and diagrams. The following day David forgot almost everything that was inside the book, with one exception that on one particular page, there was a bright gold circle with a gold cross in it.

David would have yet another encounter with this same Gray sometime later, and this was one of the more disturbing moments of David's encounters. The entity took David to a room on a spaceship, and it seemed to hold something in its hand. It reached this what looked to be a transparent bag over to David, and as David took hold of it, he looked down and noticed that inside folded was a Gray alien. The alien inside the bag began to move and tapped at the inside of the bag as if asking to be let out. David felt that the creature was alive as, aside from the tapping, its mouth opened and its eyes blinked, and as David stared at the entity, he felt increasingly uncomfortable and no longer desired to hold it and proceeded to rather quickly give the package back to the Gray. The Gray explained that what he had just seen was a body skin covering that the Grays used.

Encounters such as this went on for some time, and then in the early 1970s, Crescent went and dropped some news on David. Crescent told David that she and the others were going to leave him alone for a time but that they would come back on August 17, 1987. Until that point, he would forget all of their encounters and everything he knew and saw during his visitations, and just like that, they were gone. David finished his schooling and proceeded to go about life as a normal person. Even the beings allowed him to find his now ex-wife Janice and while she knew there was something about him she could not put a finger on, they got along for a time and had a son named Michael. Over the years, David had a vague memory of the importance of the date Crescent told him of, but he could not remember just why it was so important. Then in 1987, David had a clearer memory when a few months from the date he was listening to the radio, and they were talking about the Mayan calendar and harmonic convergence and while he paid no interest to such things when the radio show mentioned the date his ears perked up and he felt that it was something extremely important. This went on for years until August 17, 1987, came that night David had a dream of a strange object descending down from the sky and landing. From this object, a woman began to exit and started to walk towards him. David felt that he knew the woman but couldn't place it, but in the time following, he knew that it was Crescent she had returned.

David, after the dream, started to remember things nothing concise but little odd moments that he couldn’t piece together. He began to feel both extremely depressed and paranoid and was certain that there was something wrong or missing from his life or spirit. During this time, he was sure that there were people in his house at all hours of the day, and so he would creep around his home in the middle of the night searching under the beds and in the closets and outside of the house for some potential intruder and for an answer to these sudden feelings of anxiousness and nervousness. He could feel a presence, but every time he checked, he could find nothing, and as time went on, he felt that whatever this presence was, it was following him. He would describe himself at this time in his life like a walking bowl of jello. 

It was around this time that David had heard about internationally famous Ufologist Budd Hopkins and felt a strange compulsion to buy his book Intruders. David was on a mission to get a copy, and eventually, he was able to obtain a copy and proceeded to read it. When he got to Chapter 7 of the book entitled "Other Women, Other Men," he began to shake as he read through the encounters and said, "Oh my god, this is the woman I never told anyone about". As he continued to read, the floodgates of his memories were lifted, and memory after memory began to flood his head "it just wouldn't stop". David had no discernible idea just what to do with these memories, and because of this, he became terrified. After reading the book some months later, he sat his wife Janice down and decided to tell her about the experiences he had. It was a short time after that that the two got a divorce.

A short time after this, David's encounters with Crescent and the beings returned and in one of the first revival encounters. The tall entity he had seen previously said, "let David do paintings". After this, it took him some three weeks before he had felt comfortable enough to even start one, and after he finished it that same day, he got one of the most restful nights of sleep that he ever had. "It was just a relief to get the images down on the canvas". As David began to do these paintings, new memories would come to the surface, and he would create image after image of events that he barely had a recollection of. One of his paintings involved him being in a field or park-like area and being surrounded by orange spheres, yet another was of a colossal square-shaped UFO that flew overhead in Manhattan, and another of a dark object that he thought was a UFO and not a hole in space. One of the most bizarre and esoteric of his paintings, if such a term could be used for his words, revolved a memory he had involving being in a room with purple curtain-like walls and a green table with a bowel on it. The insect being watched as he was assisted in getting a sperm sample into the bowel by three hybrid women. David was traumatized by these experiences, yet upon doing the paintings, he began to calm down and was able to face these encounters head-on.

While David had already done countless paintings of his experiences, each already unique and bizarre in their own right, there was one time that David had decided to paint something totally fictional regarding these entities. The entities reached out to David a short time after and were extremely upset with him, stating, "David do the paintings, but don't make anything up". David then, after his meeting, destroyed the painting and proceeded to only paint those images that actually occurred to him.

David's encounters with Crescent and the other entities did not stop after David was told to do the paintings; in fact, quite the opposite, they seemed to pick right back up. One time David was taken to a meeting onboard a ship, and he saw Crescent sitting in a chair in front of a crowd of aliens, and as David looked, he noticed for the first time that amongst them were other people decidedly more human-like and potentially were other experiencers. These people were varied in both age and race, and they were intermingled with all the various species of aliens he had seen over his time of being an abductee.

In 1991 a more somber and sentimental experience occurred while David was in Pennsylvania. While there, David had a dream in which an incredibly bright light came through an opening on the wall, much like how the beings had entered previously. David watched as, first, the Hairy Guy stepped through the opening, and as David looked beyond expecting to see Crescent, the Mantid, or a grey following, he was surprised to see his own mother. There was something about this meeting that David knew was important and told his mom that he loved her, and she replied that she loved him too. The two then said their goodbyes, and David woke up. As David woke up, he could hear the phone ringing in his room; he went over and answered it and heard his brother at the other end. His mother had passed away about 15 minutes earlier.

Another encounter of a sentimental nature occurred when David was brought to a place on the ship with two chairs. Crescent was there, and David and her began to talk; there was something about Crescent's speech that David knew implied she was getting ready to tell him something important, and she looked exuberantly happy to see him and give him this information. David would have yet another meeting with Crescent later on in the same room, and this time she was not alone as there was a small boy next to her. David instantly knew this was one of his and Crescent's children and as David and his son looked into each other’s eyes, they both knew details about each other that they were surprisingly familiar with. As David and his son interacted, David noted that Crescent was filled both with motherly pride as well as the coldly calculated joy of a scientist whose experiment had succeeded. David would have other chances to meet his children as the years passed; on one occasion, a group of them and him played hide and seek. His job was to hide, and they were to find him. David hid behind two of the tall hybrid women, but sure enough, his children were able to find him in a matter of seconds. On another occasion, David was there during the children's meals and saw that his children were fed a kind of smooth brown food sort of reminiscent of chocolate pudding. David was allowed to take a bite of the food, and he said even in taste, it was like chocolate pudding. The next morning when he woke up, he noted that there was a strange taste in his mouth. David needed some way to get rid of the residual taste, and upon drinking a glass of water, the taste was gone.

When David was 60, he found himself in a bizarre place that looked like the interior of one of the crafts. David was taken to a room where he noticed a man lying naked on the bed. As David got closer, his heart dropped as he recognized the person lying there; it was an exact copy of a younger version of himself. The body was motionless and was in no way any sense of the word alive, and while David stood staring down at himself, one of the entities around him asked him, "can we use your body, David?" David looked at him and said yes. The beings then directed him to a slab-like table next to the body and told him to lie down. As David did so, he noticed that in a short time, the replica of himself began to twitch and move as if it was slowly coming alive, as though they had transferred some of David’s energy over into the body. David would later wonder if this body would be used in later genetic experiments, but he soon found out that there was more to these bodies than he knew.

David eventually gained some notoriety because of his paintings and, on rare occasions, had the opportunity to exhibit his work to the masses. On one such occasion, his painting of the packaged alien was damaged, and so once he got home, he went back to work at fixing it. As he did so, he wondered if the Gray aliens still used these kinds of bodies. That night he got his answer when 3 or 4 alien beings approached him. These beings were more human-like than Grays, but they said to him, "David, we have new bodies now". David thought that this was interesting, but this would not be his last interaction with the concept of alternative bodies. On several of his interactions with these beings, he was able to utilize and move around in the cloned version that he was shown some time ago, which David feels might be used to help him live longer; however, David is unable to enter this body voluntarily and can only enter it through the aid of the Mantids.

David, over the course of his life, has painted over 150 paintings on his abductions and lived a relatively simple life. David would go to several UFO experiencers and Abductee meetings and support groups wherein he would gain the attention of several notable Ufologists. The first Ufologist that took an interest in David's story was none other than the man whose book helped open the floodgates to his memory, Budd Hopkins. During one of the meetings, David and Budd talked, and Budd had the chance to see his work; when David showed him the painting of the doorway that opened up into his room, Budd asked, "what is that? A Mirror?" David explained that that was a doorway that opened up into his room from which these beings entered. Budd did not say anything in response to this, and this seemed to imply to David that he either did not believe him or that there was something more to this that he knew. David would meet Budd on multiple occasions before he passed away.

Sometime later, David met Farah Yurdozu, a Ufologist who focused on the interdimensional aspect of alien encounters during one of the New York City UFO experiencer meetings in 2002. Farah felt upon hearing David’s story that not only was he truthful but also that his story was the quintessential abduction-contact pattern that appears throughout the traditional UFO lore. Her interviews, meetings, and photos of his paintings resorted into a peculiar little book that is a kind of catalog of both his paintings and experiences. The book was titled Love in an Alien Purgatory: The Life and Fantastic Art of David Huggins and was released in September 2009. David would later say in an interview that while Farah's involvement helped him with his ET experiences, he really hated the title of the book and was glad he hadn't come up with it.

After the book was released, David had two art exhibits at the time, and word reached Coast to Coast Am about his encounters. David was featured on their episode on abductees, and the effect was that his story, according to the researchers involved was that it was so bizarre that it defied categorization. Brad Abrahams, a documentary filmmaker, would hear about David through these sources and would seek him out in Hoboken. His interest was that he wanted to catalog David's encounters and display the evidence and his testimony in a way that the viewer could decide for themselves just whether to believe him or not. David agreed to do the documentary, and in 2017 Curator Pictures released Love and Saucers. The release of the documentary put David higher on the radar, and he would appear for several interviews on television programs as well as having a few more art exhibitions. David, for those who have seen the documentary or know of his work, is now a kind of minor celebrity in the world of Ufology. He is not in the frontlines like Whitley Strieber, Calvin Parker, or Travis Walton, but he is now well enough known that he has garnered some fame.

David, to this day, continues to paint and works only one shift a week at Lisa’s Deli. He is still living with his ex-wife Janice for some 20 years after their divorce. He currently is working on a script for a film based on his ET encounters while still painting his encounters. David has not since beginning his paintings used hypnotic regression to aid in gathering further details from his memories and instead goes just off his memories and the clarity that comes from painting them. He has since collected over 1,000 horror and science fiction films because of his experiences and also started practicing meditation as well as engaging in the I-Ching to interpret his life and dreams. When David was asked why he felt he had been chosen by these beings, he would say the following "64 dollar question. I have no idea why. I don't consider myself all that important or special. I don't even know what that means anymore, but they came into my life, and to a certain degree, they're still there". The closest David came to an answer was asking these questions to the I-Ching Who are these beings? Why Did they choose me? What do these experiences mean? The response for who are these beings? Was creative power/the Creation. For why did they choose me? It was advancement, and for what do these experiences mean? The final answer was obstacles.

David, to this day, is having encounters with these entities, and when asked about his thoughts on the beings and the reality of his encounters, he has said, "when you know something, you know it, and these paintings are the result, and whatever you think is what you think" "I don't ask anyone to believe a word I say in regard to whatever this is. I was doubting myself, but I know that the experiences was real because I've seen them when I'm awake. The little Hairy Guy, the insect Being, The guys floating down from out of the sky, those were not dreams. You want to say they're intergalactic, fine. Another universe, fine. Another dimension, I don't know. I just don't know. It doesn't really matter to me. I know that they exist. I know that they are real, and that's enough for me. If they ever tell me where they're from, I'll let you know. I miss her, but she's where she is and I'm where I am. I don't know what else to say".

When asked if he would have left the Earth forever to stay with her, he said, "I think so, yes. I mean, if they had said yes, I would have gone with them, and I would have stayed, but it didn't work out that way. No, I don’t think I would have missed it at all. I would not have missed Earth at all. The Earth is getting warmer, and warmer, and warmer. Flooding, tornadoes, fires, plus the war on terrorism. No, I wouldn't have missed this, I wouldn't have missed this at all".

Now that we've gone through as near a complete story as we can, based on the information available, we can attempt to dissect David's account. As always, it’s important to look at this encounter skeptically first before divulging into other options, and when looking at this case, it’s easy to point a finger and say hoax. David's story is incredible, and it's definitely difficult to swallow. Most researchers, even those who are involved in Fortean phenomena, tend to be extremely skeptical of those who have claimed to have multiple encounters with entities, be it sasquatch, ghosts, or aliens. For those who have such encounters, researchers often look into the possibilities of whether these individuals might have a history of mental illness or that they are simply lying or searching for some sort of fame or attention. Now looking at David's encounters, it would be easy to point to this; however, I will say the following from the research I've done on David's background David as far as can be told, does not seem to indicate that he has any history of mental illness except for potentially anxiety and depression something which traditionally does not have a connection to hallucinations.

As for seeking fame, David did garner some fame based on the book and documentary and gained some financial gain as well from selling some of his paintings; however, this financial gain and fame did not happen until some 20-30 years later at least, and he kept most of his encounters to himself until very recently. If he was trying to perpetuate a hoax to get money and fame, it would make no sense for him to wait so long to get his story out to the public aside from the UFO community. Also, when you look at how David lives, one gets the impression that he is not about the money; he still lives with his ex to help her out in their apartment and everyone, both on an academic level or as a neighbor, tends to express that David is telling the truth or that he believes what he says happens to him.

Another important element that I briefly touched on is that David has been examined by several different individuals both in and out of the UFO community. One of the first being Harold Egelin a UFO experiencer and investigative journalist who also founded SPACE (the Search Project for Aspect of Close Encounters) had met David during one of the UFO abductee meetings and observed some of David's paintings and listened very carefully to what David said as well as his overall manner and character and after talking with him at length, "he trusts what he says". Harold later would find similarities to some of the other people and their encounters to those David had experienced, and so he genuinely feels he is telling the truth and that these encounters actually happened.

One of the most compelling investigations to David's testimony was by Professor Jeffrey Kripal of Rice University of Texas. Professor Kripal is a professor of philosophy and religious thought who felt that David was very sincere in his telling of his encounters and that he was a very simple man who seemed very humane and had a personable nature that made him instinctively like him. He felt that David was simply trying to tell the truth the best that he could without any interpretive overlay and that he was in some ways traumatized by these encounters and that by doing the paintings and writing the screenplay, and telling his story, he is working through his experiences. The professor compared David's experiences to those that had experienced the divine such as encounters with gods or angels, and that in regard to David's collection of films, "it's not that David has memories of abduction experiences because he has one thousand VHS tapes of sci-fi films, but it's that he's collected one thousand VHS tapes because he had an abduction experience. It goes both ways, I think" So, with all that said, a hoax is very unlikely to the point of almost an impossibility.

I mentioned that David’s account as a hoax is almost an impossibility also because of one major point. If David is telling the truth, the entities that he reported interacting with pre-dated famous sightings. The Hairy Guy, for example, is almost identical to a group of extraterrestrial beings that were reported in Venezuela in 1954 and would later be seen in France some years later. If this is the case, then David had the first official account with these beings some 2 years before the infamous Venezuelan case. The same goes for the Mantid beings as the first famous account of them came in 1973, yet David had encounters with them going all the way back to 1952. Hybrids, for example, were not really brought into the world's attention until recently, yet David has had interactions with Crescent going all the way back to 1954, way before abductions, and such offspring or mates were reported. He even predates Antonio Villas-Boas since Boas did not have a sexual ET encounter till 1957, and while David did not have a sexual encounter until he was 17, he still had an interaction with a female ET with that kind of intentions some 3 years prior. Another thing that David experienced that was similar to other extraterrestrial encounters was the phoenix which was an entity that Betty Andreasson Luca had experienced, but her encounters are just as extensive and would need their own detailed breakdown, yet it's extremely interesting that both had similar experiences. If David had not picked up any resources on aliens or UFOs until he got his copy of Intruders, then David is one of the first to claim to experience some of the rarest and weirdest types of aliens.

Farah Yurdozu was one of the main researchers into David's case, and at the beginning of the book, she put forward the following comparisons about David's case and others. Farah noted that in David's life, there were three major periods, the first being his childhood in Georgia which ended when he was 11; the second period occurred when he was 17 with the resurgence of his encounters and the beginning of the sexual ones. Farah feels that this was intentional to turn him off of other females and that he would be strayed from the simple and far more innocent games of boyhood. Then his third period was the resurgence of his memories and the continued experiences. Farah noted that David's experiences are essentially universal, appearing in the lore of other religions and countries such as the Turkish legends of the Djinn, which involve children or men and women abducted or taken to another world or dimension during the night by one of these entities. These tales of the Djinn usually involve some sort of sexual encounter or emotional bond, and that these interactions also result in a kind of hybrid child. The same sort of phenomenon is seen with the incubus and succubus and middle age demonology. These entities would appear in the middle of the night and sexually assault individuals in their beds. During these encounters, the witness or experiencer would be in a frozen trance-like state and unable to move during the excursion. Some modern researchers have linked this phenomenon to Old Hag Syndrome and Sleep Paralysis; however, the connection to abduction lore and these ancient tales is startling. This, of course, can steer one into the demonological as well as just what these beings are as there have been several accounts of people allegedly praying during an extraterrestrial encounter and the entities disappearing and that this is just another layer to the demon-alien hypothesis. This added to the out-of-body experiences of David does seem to push this case into the spiritual rather than the physical, but perhaps this is simply just another part of science that we ascribe the divine to.

Farah also noted that David's emotional reaction to Crescent is very much akin to those of other abductees. She wrote, "Abductees like David often experience private lives that are marked by relationship and marriage problems. It is as if someone or some force does not want abductees to have a healthy love life and fulfilling relationships. Their efforts at happiness often seem blocked; they feel controlled and pushed to loneliness. Alien Visitors want to be the first priority in the abductee's life, and Crescent made this quite clear to David".

Farah also had her own ideas just as to why these beings chose David. She felt that perhaps it was David's location as a boy; he was a random child that was in the right place at the right time in a location away from the prying eyes of neighbors and spectators. However, there was no real discernible reason as to just why they picked him specifically and kept in contact with him over countless years and in different locations. It truly is a mystery.

Now the reason David's encounter to me is so compelling that I've created this massive article is that the intricate details and possible connection to other cases as varied as the 1954 hairy dwarves to the modern hybridization program and cloning of bodies is something that as far as I'm aware has never been mentioned. It is a cross between old school ufology and the modern it's something that to me is one of the most impressive and interesting cases ever reported. His encounter is also like a novel; there's character development, there is in-depth emotion, there is trauma, loss, love; it's something that goes beyond the typical alien abduction. There’s always something new that I think about in regard to this case, and so I’m going to break down this case even further in regard to some things that were brushed over or not discussed by other researchers.

While David's experiences can be described as mostly positive, that does not mean that there is not a sinister undertone to this case as well as these entities. I had mentioned the demonic-ET hypothesis, but in some ways, it goes a little bit further than just the direct succubus connection. David describes encountering a packaged gray alien that is supposed to be a kind of protective covering for the grays; it essentially is seemingly alive and possibly sentient, and this is where things can turn dark. There are many theories in regard to the grays; some claim they are pure ETs, others feel that they are constructed, and there are even members of the government who, upon seeing dissected ones, claimed that they were almost cookie-cutter like in their makeup as they seemed identical. Another hypothesis based on some abductees and experiencers is that Greys and other aliens that interact with us are soulless constructs. I first came across this hypothesis in Nick Redfern’s Paranormal Parasites the theory deals with the idea that the Greys and perhaps other extraterrestrials are entities missing or deprived of either souls or certain parts of the body. This hypothesis primarily deals with the underground base at Dulce, New Mexico but also mentions that Bob Lazar, at his time at Area 51, claimed that he heard that the aliens referred to us as "containers," primarily containers for souls. The foundation of this hypothesis is that religion was created by antediluvian aliens for the sole purpose of being able to halt any damage to these containers so that they have an unlimited amount of souls to consume.

Now I mention this because a lot of David's description of the Grays and their bodies as well as his body's copy seem to be emphasizing this idea of "containers". Now, needless to say, this idea is often viewed through the lens of Christianity but viewing it in a wider lens, perhaps these entities are what Whitley Strieber hypothesized just us from another plane of existence and that they are the next step of our development, be it in a life state or through evolution. Streiber would compare how different a caterpillar might be to a butterfly if they did not recognize each other perhaps these entities are a kind of this and in so, there would need to be some sort of container. Or that perhaps these entities are capable of cloning themselves but that there might be something more to the creation of life than just creating a physical body hence why David could move and use his cloned body but that the body could not move without his help. This, of course, gets way into the more etheric side to these encounters and less into the tangible ET theory.

Now the problem, of course, with this, is that if these are spectral or ethereal beings, why would they need tangible bodies or technology or clothes for that matter of any sort. This is one of the countless paradoxes with this kind of research. If these entities were from another dimension or another planet, the nature of these beings and behavior would make much more sense, yet it's these bizarre moments that one just has to take as is or come up with their own interpretation of it.

With this case, there is a lot to obviously take in, and there is very little evidence to David's encounter. The only thing we really have to go on is his paintings and testimony; however, the paintings are perhaps the one element that seals the deal as they are vivid representations of just what he experienced. The massive collections of paintings of he's done on his experiences are something that is either the product of someone with an incredible imagination or someone who actually did have multiple encounters with the unknown. My personal feeling after listening to and reading the countless interviews, watching the documentary, and reading the accounts of those who had talked with David my feeling is that he did have some sort of experience with strange entities. As to just what these beings are as well as their intentions can be debated as with any case, but the importance of this case perhaps is just how these encounters are not exactly sinister but possibly enlightening and positive even though it might not seem it originally. I think that cases like this might pave the way as well to a possible future with these beings for the rest of us, yet time will only tell.

Quick Facts:

Species/Potential Species: Extraterrestrials (multiple)/ Paranormal entities

Location: Paulding County, Georgia, New York City, New York, and Hoboken, New Jersey

Sighted: 1952-Present day

Works Cited:

Love and Saucers. Dir Brad Abrahams, Perf. David Huggins. Curator Pictures. 2017. Film.

“David Huggins Love & Saucers Interview”. Love and Saucers. Jan 7, 2018. YouTube.

Communion By Whitley Streiber

Intruders By Budd Hopkins

Love in an Alien Purgatory: The Life and Fantastic Art of David Huggins By Farah Yurdozu

Paranormal Parasites By Nick Redfern

Artblog. “David Huggins – an uncommon life”. Artblog. December 13, 2019. Accessed January 5, 2022.

Cain, Abigail “Meet the Artist Painting the Aliens That Abducted Him”. Artsy. Jan 17, 2018. Accessed January 5, 2022. 

All Artwork is by David Huggins and Most have appeared both in the book Love in an Alien Purgatory and Love and Saucers for more artwork and information definitely check out both!

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