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Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Trolls of Sorenson’s Woods

 The Trolls of Sorenson’s Woods

By Cole Herrold

In the world of faeries, there is a phenomenon akin to what demonologists would refer to as attachment. In the demonological concept, the idea is that a spirit or entity will attach itself to a person and follow them wherever they go. While faeries are often associated with specific places in nature, there are several examples of them being attached to families or types of people. In Russia, there are tales of the Domovoi, and in the United Kingdom, there are Brownies and Boggarts; these household entities are usually guardians of specific homes; however, they also have been in some accounts associated with families. This is noticeable as the creature's behavior or appearance is continued to be seen after a family moves to a new location. We see the same type of phenomenon with Banshees in Ireland. Banshees are almost always associated with a specific family, and they are believed to herald the death of a member of that particular family. Now typically these encounters are solely in the same country; however, when these cultures began to migrate to America during the 1800s during this wave, tales of Banshees and the like were brought over, but interestingly enough, accounts of these entities continued as though they too immigrated to the "New World."

From the 1850s to-1930s, the Swedish and Norwegian, much like the Irish and the British, made their way to America and so began staking their own settlements in the ever-growing country. While the immigrants spread throughout the country, there was a heavy focus on the Minnesota area. Apparently, these settlers were not alone in leaving their country; however for just like the Irish beforehand, there seemed to be a small group of inexplicable entities that too sought some potential better life in America.

In Northern Minnesota, a young Irish boy named Richard O’Donnell was born and living in a Scandinavian descended town. As with every town, there was one specific legend that everybody knew and that would be uttered in a whisper. A farmer by the name of Ulmer Sorenson owned an extensive patch of land north of town that was filled with orchards and grassy knolls. On this picturesque landscape, however, was a dark domain, a cave that was rumored to be the home of a family of creatures that seemingly followed the founders of the town to this bucolic land. Richard O'Donnell knew the story well and knew how many a fellow peer would wander onto Sorenson's land and stand outside of the cave. Those who were brave enough or foolish enough to approach the cave would throw rocks into the mouth of the cave, holler schoolboy threats attempting to get the beasts to come out and chase them off the property. Only a few of these young fools or overly brave children had managed to step a few feet into the cavern before returning back to the light of day. Yet while in these few times no creatures were seen, everyone who entered the cave would always comment about how the cavernous crack always smelled fierce. This odorous lair was worse than a skunk's or a civet cat's stench, and only those who knew the tale knew that the smell was only from the monstrous creatures known to those in the villager's motherland as Trolls.

While most of the tales Richard knew were of those who had entered the cave and experienced nothing except a horrid smell, there were a few times when some of his friends would rush him completely out of breath, proclaiming that they had actually seen one or a few of the creatures wandering not near the cave but in the open orchards and fields or the dense woodlands of Sorenson's land around dusk. The folks in town would also experience the loss of several of their livestock late at night, particularly chickens and eggs. The people knew it had to be these creatures as the animals were seemingly missing for no particular reason; there was no evidence of fox activity, and all the coops were undisturbed. Those who had seen the coops were certain that this was the work of the late-night working Trolls.

Richard had heard all of these accounts and was unsure of what to make of them, and so he proceeded in asking the wisest person he knew, which was, of course, his father. His father smiled when he asked him about the Trolls, and so he began to explain that the Scandinavian folks had tales of the wee people and other dark creatures as they did with leprechauns and the gentry. Yet he was certain that's all they were tales that were kept in circulation by Ulmer Sorenson to keep would be the young kids from the apples in his orchard during harvest time. Richard accepted his father's hypothesis and continued to keep it in the back of his mind as more and more reports of the diminutive beings came out. That is until summer came.

It was late in the afternoon on a particularly warm July day that Richard was walking towards his girlfriend's farmhouse when he was walking near Sorenson's woods. He noticed the embossed "No Trespassing" sign and, deciding to give in to the edginess of youth, decided to ignore the request and use the woods as a kind of shortcut to his significant other's house. He found a worn deer path and proceeded to use this naturally made highway to cross through the forest, and after walking for a short period, he happened to notice a short dark form coming towards him. The figure was too far to make out any significant features, but he thought that perhaps it could be a deer or a large dog, but as the two began walking towards each other, he could tell that this was most certainly not the case. As the figure was only a short distance away, he could tell that this was not an animal but a short, stocky guy. Expecting it to be another peer from school or some other child who also decided to give in to the angst of youth, he continued unabated, and so to did his path ward companion. Yet as he got even closer, he instantly realized in a look of disgust that if this was a child, it was the ugliest one he had ever seen. The "boy" had coarse black hair that seemed to just be jutting straight out of the skull. The "boy" had deep-set black eyes that were particularly unnerving, but this was not its most noticeable feature, for there just below these black pinpoints was a large proboscis that Richard described as an "enormous "honker."" Richard could not get over the "boy's" nose, for it was so abnormally large that it seemed to take up most of the individual's face. The boy was about the size of him he estimated about 5ft 4” and that he was built like a fire hydrant. Other than the "boy's" bizarre appearance, he was dressed rather shabbily it wore a pair of overalls that were seemingly several sizes too big for him, a very tattered work shirt, and had no shoes at all. While the “boy” walked around shoeless he had incredibly large black hair covered feet that Richard estimated to be well over a size 13 men’s shoe. Richard stopped short as the "boy" continued to approach him as it came closer it began to smile at Richard, and in doing so it showed him it's teeth which were caked yellow and jagged which Richard felt was "badly in need of dentistry."

This being a small town, Richard's first thought now that the figure was overly close to him was that he was surprised he had never seen the stranger in town or in school. The figure was only a few feet from him now and had slowed its pace, ultimately stopping directly in front of him. As the two stood there eyeing each other up and neither saying a word, the "boy" in front of him began to look down at Richard's jeans and boots, and a look of want came across the creature's face. Richard noticed this as a mischievous grin seemed to crawl across the creature's face. Richard was just about to back away from this bizarre boy when all of a sudden, this odd boy uncurled an animal-like grunt and lunged towards his waist and legs, ultimately toppling Richard over. Richard laying now on his back, could feel this person trying to reach its hands into the waistline of his pants as it attempted to pry the fabric from his body. Richard was only 5" taller than this figure but was 180lbs of muscle and what this person did not know was that he was the captain of the high school wrestling squad and that whenever someone had attempted to fight him he never turned down a scrap. Richard would describe what happened as the two began to roll on the ground in the following "The Ugly little guy was incredibly powerful, and he seemed very surprised when I did a reversal, escaped from his takedown, and flipped him over on his back." The two began an almost Olympic style tussle in the weeds and grass and Richard seemed to have the upper hand he had managed to get this would be thief face down in the grass and was putting its arm behind its back when something that seems straight out of the pages of a Marvel or Batman comic happened. The "boy" that Richard had almost pinned seemed to be quivering expecting him to finally be subdued Richard was about to let him go when he noticed that the figure seemed to be getting larger. Its limbs seemed to be stretching out growing in length and its torso seemed to become even more beefier. Richard could tell that this was the case as the once ill-fitting overalls were now tightly covering his attacker's body like a layer of skin and the work shirt that he was wearing was ripping down by the shoulders. Richard got off the figure which he now knew was not human and realized that the entity was 6ft 2" and had gained some 50lbs. It towered over him and outweighed him. This, however, was secondary to what the creature also gained, an increase of its terrible smell. Richard would describe it in the following, "And the smell of him became almost overpowering. He stank bad enough when he was a short little bugger but now he could win a fall by his smell alone. Of course, not being an idiot, I realized that I was up against something beyond my power of reasoning. This was no ordinary farm boy. Deep in the pit of my stomach, I knew that I would now be fighting for more than my pants and my boots".

The creature, now after transforming in an almost Hulk or Bane-like manner, loomed over the boy, and as the boy watched, the demeanor of the creature changed. Instead of the mischievous smirk or even the jagged tooth smile that greeted him on the path, the creature was noticeably angered by the boy's rebuttal to its attempt of clothing theft. The creature's enormous frown and proboscis were secondary to the boy's sight as the creature's black eyes started to change to a piercing red, almost as if it was some kind of living cartoon. The creature's chest heaved forward and back, and as it did this, it unfurled a low steady growl behind closed lips. Richard knew this was not a fight he could win or even survive, and so he began to run like hell. The thing was still roaring as he turned tail and sprinted back the way he came. As he ran, he looked back twice to see if the now colossal creature was coming after him but from what he could tell, he was in the clear, but he still did not slow his pace until he made it to town.

In town, he found several of his friends hanging around and began to tell them his experience in the woods between gasping breaths. His tale was convincing enough to his friends that a group of them began to follow him to the spot where he had encountered the terrifying Troll. The group looked at the overturned sod where clearly some sort of struggle had occurred, but there was nothing else; no footprints, hair, or Troll could be found. The group then decided that if this was one of the Trolls said to live on the property, they knew where it should be, and so they headed towards the dark and profusely odorous cave. One of the boys had brought his rifle along and aimed it at the mouth of the cave as though he was expecting the creature to come running full tilt towards him. The brave, albeit foolhardy boy began to yell several challenges into the cave and indicated that he had a weapon as a means of intimidating the trolls into giving up, yet none came out. No one in the party, even the boy with the rifle, however, wanted to enter the stalagmite-ridden abode, and the smell that wafted from the entrance was enough to make everyone in the party gag. For these reasons, the group decided that this was enough excitement for one day, and they all returned home.

Richard was sitting at the Dinner table with his family when he decided to let them in on his little misadventure. After telling the full account, his father began to laugh and said that “Ulmer Sorenson often hired temporary field hands from the pool of unemployed lumbermen from up north. A lot of those men are pretty rough and tough and a bit short on manners and they might take fancy to your new boots and jeans and decide to 'borrow' them without your permission. You best not tangle with any of them". Richard was a little downtrodden by his father's account and knew for certain that what he experienced that day was far from a down and out lumberjack; he was certain that the entity he encountered was one of the Trolls said to lurk in the lands of Sorenson's woods and from that day on he never again took a shortcut through Sorenson's land.

Now, this case is a pretty clear-cut and dry case of a faerie encounter. Unlike other cases where one can look at alternative views, there are not really many other options to point to. Cryptids typically don't wear clothes even though there are reports of Bigfoot and other hairy hominids occasionally wearing them, cryptids also typically appear as flesh and blood animals if they have anomalous properties most are things that can be attributed to scientific phenomena like bioluminescence or fluorescence, or enzyme expulsion or something along those lines but for a creature to seemingly grow excessively in height and weight in a matter of moments for combat purposes are not exactly something we see in nature. There are illusions of this when animals like frigate birds which will puff out their chests to appear bigger, but for something to actually grow taller and gain more noticeable mass is something else entirely.

It's pretty safe to say this entity is not extraterrestrial in origin as there's a history of these entities in the same area. They even have a specific cave where they are believed to live; this gets less into UFO encounters where a craft lands and entities are seen and gets into something native to the area and not an alien in the true sense of the word. Also, the fact that no craft or lights are associated with these creatures also seems to indicate that they are earth or interdimensionally bound.

Now it's also safe to say that this entity is not a ghost or a demon as it appears to be a physical flesh and blood entity even though it has anomalous traits and behaviors. It is not wispy or see-through, and the thing that solidifies this even more is the fact that Richard wrestled with this entity. There have been some encounters with spirits where they can inflict damage or even have sexual experiences with humans, yet in these cases, they seem to be almost a one-way street as the phantasms appear to be able to interact with us, but we cannot physically interact with them.

One almost has to include interdimensional as an option for entities like this because that's always a possibility since who knows where these creatures truly come from. The same goes for the Ultraterrestrial since their primary goal is to be trickster-like minor gods or entities that feed on fear or other human emotions. A tulpa is also a possibility since there's the chance that the population's belief in these creatures based on their homeland tales might have created a small population of these entities, but all of these other possibilities are speculation.

The most conclusive possibility is that this is another example of faerie. It has many of the hallmarks, as previously discussed in the intro and in other articles. These creatures have a connection to the environment, they have a connection to a population/specific individual, they are essentially "magical" or react in ways that we don't scientifically understand in their behavior, and the account follows an archetype of entity that has a rich history. Unlike other Troll accounts on the site, such as the Friendly Troll of Oslo or the Staffordshire Trolls, this is the first one I've covered that actually wears clothes. In folk traditions, however, Trolls constantly wore beaten, dirty clothes that seemed to mimic the appropriate clothing that humans would wear in a given environment. This Troll, however, intrigues me even more than the fact that it's wearing farmwear on a farm but the fact that baggy overalls are a classic clothing article that appears on trolls in Norwegian and Swedish wood carvings. So perhaps this is not simply a design for tourist trinkets but actually a common article of clothing worn by these entities.

Examples of the Traditional Troll Overalls in Norwegian Art/Tourism

One thing that aside from the clothes that fascinates me, needless to say, is the creature's ability to change size at will. Trolls are all over the map when it comes to reported sizes; the Oslo Troll was taller than trees, whereas the Staffordshire Trolls were about the same size as the Troll seen here before it grew to tower over Richard. If this is the case, it could explain a lot of Trolls seemingly based on folklore seem to grow much like humans, but just on a larger scale; this seems to dash that claim and implies that they can change their size as is. Other faeries are said to be shapeshifters like the Phooka, so it's not unheard of for a faerie to do this, but its important to point out this in the data for Trolls since the study of faeries is something that has not gained the same credibility or countless tomes from a serious standpoint as Cryptozoology or Ufology.

With all that said, while I’m extremely interested in a more scientific study of faeries, I have to admit it's extremely difficult to even comprehend how to go about doing it. Faeries seemingly have noticeable species like aliens or cryptids, but they clearly are neither. They behave anomalously; they have skills we would call magic but could be something we currently don't have the scientific mindset or tools to understand. They are not spirits in the sense of ghosts as they are physical and can be touched and are almost exclusively found in nature, with only a few exceptions. The final problem is compared to things like Bigfoot or lake monsters, they're relatively rare even though there are folkloric accounts dating back centuries, and some are most certainly normal cryptids when looking at these older accounts. I'm at a loss as to a methodology of study because of this and because there's such a wide gamut of potential species, locations, age ranges, and differentiations between folklores that finding some single method is almost impossible. As for this account, however, I think in terms of this kind of research its incredibly important as it is almost identical to a folktale even though it takes place reasonably in modern time; the exact year and day are not specified, but with the account appearing in Steiger's 2001 book it's safe to say it was well before then. Richard was also an adult when talking to Steiger, so it's safe to say anywhere between 20-40 years spanned between the time of his sighting and the publication of the book. So much like the other Troll accounts mentioned earlier and that appear on the site, this is a continuing phenomenon and one that definitely needs to be investigated further by Forteans, just once we figure out how.

Quick Facts:

Species/Potential Species: Mammal/Supernatural Entity

Location: Sorenson’s Woods, Minnesota

Sighted: July, year and day unspecified sometime before 2001 (probably around the 1950s -1980s)

Work Cited:

The Inhumanoids By Barton M. Nunnelly

Out of the Dark: The Complete Guide to Beings from Beyond By Brad Steiger


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