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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Butler County Gargoyle

by Cole Herrold

Flying Humanoids are perhaps the most interesting of all cryptids. A great deal of this is because, unlike Bigfoot, lake monsters, or thunderbirds, there is nothing we can compare them to in either the fossil record or in the current known zoological categories. They are an entirely alien lifeform; however, they appear in almost every country and culture from around the world. Of all the flying humanoids reported, the most famous is Mothman. When someone pictures a flying humanoid as a cryptozoological being, they ultimately envision a dark winged creature with piercing red eyes. While there are certainly versions of this kind of creature aside from Mothman, such as the Lake Michigan Mothmen and The Owlman of Mawnan, they are not entirely uniform in this description. In Pennsylvania throughout 2011, there was a rash of winged humanoid sightings whose description was by far one of the most bizarre on the books.

This flying freak known as the Butler County Gargoyle or the Chicora Gargoyle as there is a high concentration of sightings near the Butler County borough. This creature first came to the public's attention in March of 2011 and has since gained some fame from cryptid enthusiasts and paranormal researchers, making it by far one of the most famous flying humanoids ever reported. The first “official” report of the Butler County Gargoyle was reported first to Stan Gordon and later Lon Strickler of Phantoms and Monsters and Daniel Hageman of BORU (Butler Organization of Research of the Unexplained). The initial witness, a businessman who would go unnamed until Lon Strickler in a follow-up interview, gave the name RK would be the first and most famous reported sighting of the Butler Gargoyle and would also draw a sketch of the creature he had seen in.

It was March 18th of 2011 when RK, a businessman, was driving in the early morning hours between Chicora and East Brady. While driving, he noticed a strange dark form to the side of the road about a quarter of a mile away from where he was. Thinking the animal was most likely a deer, he proceeded to step on the accelerator to get closer to the form to determine exactly what it was. He got within 50 yards of the shape when the form began to move. The figure, which was not standing quadrupedally like a deer, was actually hunched over, and as he approached the figure, it proceeded to stand upright. His deer hypothesis ultimately was, at that moment, entirely shattered as the dark brown or tan figure towered on two muscular legs, and as the creature was illuminated by the car's headlights, it began to move. It was as the creature crossed in front of his vehicle that he got as good a look at the creature as he could. The creature was humanoid in form with a dark tan or brownish leathery skin. The creature never looked at RK as it crossed the road, so he did not get a good look at the creature's face, but what he could tell of the creature's head was odd enough. The creatures head, he would later describe as looking like an aerodynamic helmet as it reached to a point in the back as a ridge and appeared flat in the front. While he could not see the eyes exactly, he felt that they might point in the corner of the face. Ears were visible on the side of the head. They were long and flat and reached to a point. The creature had exceptionally muscular arms that were much longer than a human's and hands that ended in black claw-like digits. The number of digits he was unsure of, but from what he could tell, there were at least four. The creatures' legs, while exceptionally muscular, were bent backwards and did not move in the same way as a human. The creature's back also had even more absurdly a pair of wings that seemed tucked into the body—the wingtips extending toward the side of the head. The bizarre beast began to walk in front of a road sign and crossed the two-lane road in three long steps, ultimately disappearing into the woods, disappearing from sight. The entire sighting occurred only in 7-8 seconds.

The day after the sighting, RK would return to the location of where he saw the creature and searched for evidence even though none could be found. After analyzing the signpost and taking a proper measure, he managed to determine that the creature was approximately 8ft tall, for when the creature stood erect, it was a whole four inches higher than the sign. RK, two days after his follow up to the area, sent a message to Stan Gordon on the 21st about his initial sighting, which would later appear in his book Astonishing Encounters. Most people familiar with this case believe that this is the end of RK’s experience with a flying humanoid, but this is not the case. in an interview with Lon Strickler released on February 24, 2014, describes how RK had two other separate sightings of the same creature he witnessed back in March. He waited to tell about his other encounters simply to see if anyone else after his initial report would also verify that they, too, had seen the same creature. His second sighting would occur two weeks after his first and driving on the same road as his initial sighting, but this time in the opposite direction. He was driving just after daylight and had managed to get close to where his first sighting took place. His mind and eyes were on high alert as his car got closer to the area where he had seen the flying fiend. He was not even a mile from the exact point where he encountered the freak when as he scanned the fields to the left of him, he once more saw something anomalous. Thereby a hay bail was the same or similar creature hunched down. The figure was in a position that seemed like a stereotypical gargoyle, its hands on the ground looking as though it was clutching the ledge of some great cathedral with its wings splayed out around it to the point it was clichĂ©. The creature, even in this squatted position, was a whole three feet taller than the hay bale. He could tell that with the beginning light of the morning that the creature's skin was a greyish tone, and unlike the previous encounter where the creature was seen only from the side or from the back, RK would state that he could see the creature from the front and that it is a sinister twist was looking right at him. Curiously enough, he would go on to state that there was nothing strange in the way of the eyes. Something totally opposite of what most flying humanoid sightings report.

While this may seem to be the close of his encounters with an enigmatic entity, this would not be the case. About a month after his second encounter, he would have a third encounter that would be very similar to his first. Where when driving on the same stretch of road as his first and second encounter, he had entered a wooded hollow area approximately 500 yards from the second encounter location. It was from there that he noticed a figure shambling towards the woods just before dusk. The figure he could see only from the side, but even with only this partial observation, he could tell that it was, in fact, the same creature he had witnessed the last two times.

Sketch of the Butler County Gargoyle by RK 

This last account is the final time RK had an encounter with the winged weirdo, but this grotesque gargoyle during this time was not done terrorizing the resounding area with its presence. Throughout the month of March of 2011, three more sightings occurred. In East Brady, which is about 10 miles from Chicora, a motorcyclist was out driving one night. He had passed a local custard stand and continued to drive another two miles when he happened to notice a peculiarly large animal. The creature appeared to be hunched over on the ground and appeared to either be looking for something or potentially eating something. As he got within 75ft of the form, it proceeded to stand upright. The motorcyclist would describe the creature as at least 8-9ft tall with long arms that hung down to its knees. Its body was covered in a dark-coloured leathery skin. The creature's eyes were swept up into the corners giving it that almost almond shape that had been reported in the RK encounters. The creature also had the same pointed type of head. One peculiarity of this case, however, is that the witness would claim that the creature had wings on the side of its head, which is something not seen in RK's encounter nor for the fact any of the other flying humanoid reports connected to the Butler County Gargoyle. The motorcyclist was very disturbed by this encounter and felt that he was not looking at something from this world but something from the depths of Hell itself and that it was angry. The creature, after staring at the unprotected rider for some time, turned and proceeded to run towards the woods.

In Kepple's Corners which is almost three miles from Chicora, two witnesses would report seeing a dark tan figure which, much like RKs sightings, crossed the road in front of their car. The witnesses had a decent look at the creature and, similarly to RK, described the head similar to RK but felt that the face of the creature had seemed "smashed in". The creature had the same muscular body with long arms that ended in claws as well as them of estimating the height to be about 8ft tall and also seeing large folded in wings on the creatures back. An interesting feature about their sighting, however, is how they described the creature move, which to them seemed that it loped with each step it took. The witnesses who saw this bizarre beast were so in shock by their encounter that they proceeded to stop the car in the middle of the road and did not move until they noticed another car coming behind them. The witnesses also would go on to further say that what they saw was real and that they would take a lie detector test to prove they were telling the truth.

The final March 2011 sighting that has at least been reported/made available to the public took place in/near Rimersburg, which is the farthest encounter with the Butler Gargoyle as the borough is almost 20 miles from Chicora. Two witnesses were heading towards Rimersburg after having left an ice cream stand when they noticed something crossing the road ahead of them. They managed to get about 35 ft of the creature and described it in the same way as the previous encounters. The creature was about 9ft tall with dark brown skin, long arms, broad shoulders, a pointed head, pointed ears, large wings on its back, and a flat forehead. The creature's long arms had four fingers with long black claws. Once again, the creature is described as having eyes that seemed to squint upwards into the corner. Interestingly these witnesses are also the first witnesses to describe a mouth which bizarrely enough was described as just being like a slit. Another interesting feature with this encounter is that the witnesses, when describing how this creature moved, claimed that when the creature moved, the whole body would turn and that it in no way moved the way a normal person would, especially with the movement of the arms. With this account, we also get a more detailed description of the wings, which the witnesses described as being see-through like mesh and hat a bat-like structure to them. These witnesses also viewed the creature as something infernal, strongly believing it had been loosed from Hell itself.

While the vast majority of sightings that appear in the books and websites revolve around this one month in 2011. There have been other sightings of the same or similar creature before and after the famous RK encounter and its fellow March menagerie. There are even sightings that predate the 2011 cases, which are often believed to be the first of the Butler County Gargoyle. Daniel Hageman of BORU and Brian Leech of the Center for Unexplained Events have collected over 23 different reports of the same or similar creature in the Butler County area as well as in other counties around PA. The oldest report in his collection occurred in June 1993 but occurred not in Butler County but in Lehigh County on the opposite side of the state. The sighting occurred in Allentown of all places and happened when four individuals named John, his girlfriend, son and his son's fiancée, coming home late one night from a nearby drive-in, would see a creature that seemed to of escaped off the silver screen. They had reached an area known as Baker's Point when they watched as a bizarre creature crossed the road in front of them. The creature was huge in stature, approximately 6ft tall and had large wings on its back. The creature seemed to either take no notice of the car or was simply not afraid of the vehicle. When the creature made it to the other side of the road, it proceeded to spread its wings out and shot up into the sky just like something out of Jeepers Creepers. The witnesses would later describe that the creature's legs were very similar to those reported in 2011, with them seeming to be on backwards and that the creature walked like a chicken as it crossed the road. While this account seems entirely uniform to the other Butler County Gargoyle cases, there are two features the witnesses would describe that are different. For one thing, the creature, in this case, did not have the leathery skin as reported in the other cases but was covered in dark brown hair. Another feature that was prominent enough for them to point out yet does not seem to appear in other accounts is that the creature had a protruding jaw as opposed to the smashed in or flat face as described in other cases.

The second oldest case comes from July 2002 in the Moraine State Park, making it the oldest of the Butler County cases. An eyewitness driving the 528 bridge in Moraine State Park around 1am happened to see something in his headlights that would be unlike anything he had ever seen before. There on the bridge, he caught sight of what he could only describe as a 3-4ft tall bat-like creature. The creature had no discernible facial features and was either black or grey in colour. As the car got closer to the creature, the creature whose back was towards the man, proceeded to jump off the bridge spreading its 7-8ft wingspan and flew away. The entire encounter lasted only a mere 10 seconds.

A little over a year after the flap of Butler County Gargoyle sightings, another case appeared at a campsite near Rimersburg. The encounters of a similar creature occurred in Mid-July of 2012, but details on this particular encounter are scant in available resources, and all that is really known is that campers and others in the area are said to of seen a creature of similar appearance during that time span.

On August 24, 2016, in nearby Allegheny County, a witness sitting on his porch with his dog would be the last detailed encounter of the Butler Gargoyle. It was late in the day when man and dog were enjoying the cool night. All of this would be soon ended as the dog seemed to rise up from its position and look into the woods as though entranced. This watching of the trees would be short-lived as the dog, in a surprising move, proceeded to bolt towards the woods and proceeded to bark madly into the darkness. The man followed after his dog to get him back into the house and found his dog near a tree looking up and barking, and the man either by accident or instinct proceeded to look up and there up in the y of the tree standing on the branch was a winged humanoid creature staring down at them. The man, without skipping a beat, proceeded to run back into his house to get a pistol and ran right back to the tree where he saw the entity, but by the time he returned, it had flown the coop.

While these are the only available detailed accounts of the Butler County Gargoyle, they are not the only ones. In an interview with Daniel Hageman in the book Mothman and Other Flying Creatures of the Midwest, Hageman claimed that there had been sightings in/near Chicora as well as along Route 422 in Worthington, other sightings on the 528 Bridge in the Moraine State Park as well as along the 422 bridge that goes from the Moraine State Park into New Castle. Hageman also pointed to sightings of similar flying humanoid sightings seen near the PA/New York border as well as with flying humanoid sightings that have been interconnected with the Lake Michigan Mothman flap as some of the flying humanoids reported have specific earmarks that are similar to the Butler Gargoyle as opposed to the Mothman. Yet, the details on these other accounts are nonexistent in available resources, thereby ending all the known accounts of cases of the Butler Gargoyle.

With the Butler Gargoyle, we are seeing something extremely interesting in that there is an in almost all cases, a mirror description of something that is very different from what most flying cryptids are said to look like. Often flying cryptids are giant insects, birds, pterosaurs, or something chimeral such as the Vermont Awful or even Batsquatch with its wolf head, bigfoot body, and bat wings. The Butler Gargoyle is not like the Mothman of Point Pleasant in any way or its British cousin Owlman. It truly is an alien cryptid. So, it raises the question of what could it be? Clearly, there's nothing in the fossil record to match anything like it, so how could a creature like this be around.

Sceptically speaking, even though it sounds ludicrous is that what people could be seeing is a moulted bird like a crane or a heron since that could explain the grey leathery skin and such as well as the backwards style legs and the bizarreness of how it moves and even some of the facial features, but this is extremely unlikely. The bird itself would have to be positioned just right for a relatively long time to even come close to such an appearance, and even then, that still does not explain the clawed arms and bat-like wings. The only other option then is that this is a new species of some kind, but even then, that raises more questions and ventures into some more esoteric possibilities to this creatures' origin.

To start off with, the most plausible of the gambit of more speculative possibilities is that this is a biological animal that is either a hominid that somehow developed the ability for flight and remained undiscovered throughout the United States or that it is possibly a super highly evolved bat that developed anthropoid features to better help in some way evolutionarily. The latter, to me, seems the most plausible because bats are already super highly tuned to their environmental niche, so a bat creature evolving into something that has gripping hands to get prey or cling to walls better or some other reason is a plausible reason for such features to appear in nature. Also, the fact that bats live in caves to roost would be the ideal place for a creature like this to hide, and caves would also be the perfect place for such an evolutionary transformation to occur without being noticed. The problems with this hypothesis, however, is again no fossil evidence, and morphologically speaking, the fact that the creature essentially has two sets of arms. Wings in birds and bats are modified hands and arms, so that would imply that this creature would have had to develop an entirely new set of limbs that would remain in a more primitive state as opposed to the ones which would continue to be modified for flight which just seems extremely improbable. Another issue with the biological aspect of this creature and flying humanoids, in general, is that they are almost never reported in pairs, but as single specimens, whereas with other cryptids like Bigfoot or Champ, there have been families or pairs of them seen together. This makes establishing the creatures as a biological breeding population as extremely difficult, even from a hypothetical standpoint. Now it is possible that the Moraine State Park 3-4ft flying humanoid could have been a juvenile since the Butler County Gargoyle has almost always been described as being 8-9ft tall and thereby might add to the argument that there is a breeding population, but again that is just speculation.

The next possibility is that these creatures, as felt by several of the witnesses, are of demonic origin. Flying humanoids, particularly those with bat wings, have been associated with the evil one since religious iconography has been around, and this is a universal concept. While some can argue its an artistic representation of those animals that early man or society felt was unclean or some symbolic reference to darkness due to the nocturnal nature of bats, there is also the possibility that maybe just maybe what our ancestors were describing as demons and their features are accurate and these are what demons are supposed to look like. Often time when people encounter these creatures, they feel extremely disturbed or that they are aggressive creatures solely, and just on that and their appearance, they get the label of demon. There are a lot of problems with this hypothesis; the first is that this creature does not do anything heinous as one would expect a demon to do. It behaves more like an animal than a spirit of any kind, and this includes supernatural environmental entities as it is often seen crouched down or crossing a road as opposed to possessing Raggedy Ann dolls or scrawling sinister messages in homes as demons are said to do. Another thing is that there is nothing to point to this creature being demonic at all, for it does not dissipate into nothing or disappear or anything like that. It awkwardly walks across roads and very rarely flies which, if this were a demon, would seem pointless.

The final possibility of what this creature could be is that it could be an interdimensional entity. The fact that this creature seems to be zipping in different areas at different times throughout PA seems to point to something that just shows up and then disappears. Dan Hageman had even supported this idea as to when discussing some of the creature's behaviour he stated that some witnesses felt that the creature did not know that they were there or that it was unfamiliar with the location and even seemed disoriented as on a few occasions it would sniff the air as though it was curious or unfamiliar with the area. This un-acknowledgement of its surroundings is interestingly similar enough to another flying humanoid sighting of a creature I covered in a previous article, the Greene County Winged Humanoid, which has many similar features from eye shape, head shape, fingers, and wings. In that case, the creature stood on a fence post and stared ahead, not noticing the eyewitness who was a mere couple of feet away from the creature. Now the Greene County Winged Humanoid seemed to be either stuck in between dimensions or frozen in some bizarre way which is different from the Butler County Gargoyle, which does interact with its environment as it crosses the road and tumbles through the brushes and, in some cases does watch some witnesses so it is perhaps something on our plane and can interact with some of the environment but not all of it or all the time. Sure, all of this is speculation, but it is one of the better possibilities for this phenomenon and more plausible than the demonic aspect.

While all these possibilities are simply speculation, there is no denying that people are seeing some bizarre, winged beast throughout Pennsylvania. While there are a significant amount of sightings of what seems to be the same creature, I also feel that some of these sightings might be of multiple creatures; the creature from 1993 was described as having fur on its body which is totally opposite from what was seen in the other cases this to me smacks of other flying humanoid species or subspecies that that is seen in other places in the united states and may not be a Butler Gargoyle. There are a few other instances in some of the descriptions of the other accounts that do not seem uniform, but perhaps that's from a biological perspective examples of sexual dimorphism or even features that appear in different age stages. Yet as stated earlier, even this is speculation, for there’s no real way of knowing the truth behind anything on this creature until one is either found dead or, if possible, captured. When and if that day does come, the world will most certainly be shaken to its core, for if one is found, it raises the question of what else is out there?

Quick Facts:

Species/Potential Species: Mammal
Location: Butler County, Armstrong County, Clarion County, and Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania
Sighted: June 1993- August 24, 2016

Works Cited

American Monsters: A History of Monster Lore, Legends, and Sightings in America By Linda S. Godfrey
Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania’s Unknown Creatures: Casebook Three By Stan Gordon
Chasing American Monsters: Over 250 Creatures, Cryptids, and Hairy Beasts By Jason Offutt
Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles, and Other Winged Beasts By Ken Gerhard
Humanoid Encounters: The Others Amongst Us 2010-2015 By Albert S. Rosales
Mothman and Other Flying Creatures of the Midwest By Shetan Noir
Herrold, Cole “The Greene County Winged Humanoid”. New World Explorers Society. March 2, 2021. Accessed May 22, 2021.
Houck, Tyler “The Butler Gargoyle” Tyler’s Cryptozoo. October 26, 2014. Accessed May 20, 2021.
Strickler, Lon “The Butler Gargoyle” Phantoms and Monsters. February 24, 2014. Accessed May 20, 2021.
“Butler Gargoyle” Cryptid Wiki. Accessed May 20, 2021.

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