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Saturday, March 19, 2022

Ljubovija Phantom

 The Ljubovija Phantom

By Cole Herrold

When it comes to accounts from the Eastern portion of our world, there are countless Fortean cases that seem to fall through the cracks of Western research. Part of this can be attributed to the poverty of a country or the overall disinterest of cases outside of the researcher's home country. As someone who actively searches for weird cases or cases that aren't mentioned, I tend to at the very least have a specific interest in cases that occur outside of the United States; it's from these cases that some of the most bizarre entities are reported. One such report came to my attention from Darwin’s Deviations, a great podcast and overall great guy who has informed me and gave me a ton of information on a practically un-talked-about case from his home country of Serbia. This case which many had compared to the Mothman, is something that is definitely in a category all its own as it seems to be a blend of several different kinds of flying humanoid cases that have occurred over the years.

On Monday, August 22nd, 2005, during the most unassuming of days, Milos Dokic was doing some work in front of his house. The neighborhood was particularly quiet, all with the exception of a group of children engaged in a game of soccer. This slight silence would eventually be broken by these children when they shouted, "A man flying!". As Milos turned, he saw that the children were focused on the roof of a nearby yellow building, and as he looked up to the roof, he saw a small man walking on the edge of the roof. This man was wearing a kind of dark cape or cloak, and his entire outfit was dark in color. Milos did not understand just what the fuss was about as the man he felt was most likely installing a television antenna and continued to go on with his business. However, just as he had started to go back to work, he heard the boys shout and become excited once more. This cry not only alerted him but also his wife Slavojka, who left her home to investigate. As soon as she left the confines of her home, she saw what the boys were excitedly talking about. There floating in the air, was the same man-like figure that her husband had seen. This figure proceeded to move between the Yellow-building towards the "Ljubovijatrans" building. As they watched the being, they noticed that the entity had a faint glow surrounding the being and that they were able to now distinguish that this figure had a strange set of eyes that seemed to shine or glow red. Curiosity seemed to get the best of them as opposed to fear, and as the pair left the safety of their property, they began to approach the entity. Yet a peculiar thing happened, for as they approached this being, the entity soon began to move away from them, keeping away at the same distance it previously was. This did not stop them from attempting to get closer, and so they continued trying to get closer, and each time the entity would move away, maintaining the same distance away almost as if it were playing a kind of game with them. For whenever they would stop, the entity would stop moving as it loomed high in the sky, hovering in midair. This continued for some time until eventually, the entity, either bored with their game or simply tired of being observed or observing them, began to turn and fly at an extremely fast speed towards the "Ljubovijatrans" building, ultimately disappearing behind a series of poplar trees. Milos and his wife then ran over to the kids to discuss their sighting further since they had seen the bizarre being before him; it was from this that the children told them that they had first seen the being standing on a roof on Karadordeva Street and that it then proceeded to fly off that roof to the roof of the yellow building.

Word of this encounter soon reached the media, and on Wednesday, an article entitled “Mysterious phantom alarms citizens of Ljubovije ."Yet the papers were not the only feature of the phantom to occur that day. On that Wednesday, the 24th, sightings of the entity were through the roof. The wave of these sightings started at about 3:00 in the evening and the anomalous apparition. Ljubovije was extremely active that day due to the fact that businesses were open and other functions were going on, and certainly, this had something to do with the number of witnesses, which led to the hundreds. Witnesses walking on Drin Street claimed to of seen the being, and there was an entire bus full of people who claimed to of seen the entity, and then crowds of people that were waiting for a soccer game to commence also saw the entity fly overhead. All of the witnesses' descriptions were almost identical to what the children and Milos and Slavojka. There was one major difference that was reported in some of the witnesses' description of the entity, and that was that some described the entity as being stooped over and that while the being still wore its cloak or cape, it also seemed to have some sort of mechanical device strapped to its back that aided in its flight and ability to defy gravity. The anomalous entity seemed to have a clear path as it traveled from Drin Street and was observed flying towards the Kik Hill and then seemingly changing its flight path towards Nemic. These sightings would be extensively covered in the article "Love Stories About the Phantom," released the day after.

The following day the local newspaper got word of a sighting of the being that occurred in the summer of that year by two children named Dejan and Lazar in the village of Lokanj near Zvornik, which is approximately 32 miles from Ljubovija. The account was brought to the attention of the paper by the children's father, Dule Lazarevic. During his family vacation, his children, along with several others, came up to him and told him that they had seen a dark man-like figure flying in the sky for three nights in a row. The children were so terrified by this flying fiend that they refused to play after dusk. The father, after hearing about the encounters currently going on in Ljubovija, felt sorry that he did not believe his children because they to him now seemed to be telling the truth and that perhaps their sighting might be connected to the current flap of sightings in Ljubovija.

Also, another woman from New Belgrade would come forward claiming that she saw a similar dark-colored flying entity that flew over her building on Arsenij Carnojevic Boulevard in 1995. She said, "In February 1995, I was returning from work at the Horgos Customs House. I reached the building around 5 in the morning and saw a man with a black cloak overhead. He looked at me with glassy eyes that I will never forget. I bowed my head, and when I raised it again, it flew over the building. He was a real man, not a puppet. I ran into the apartment and woke the children, but by the time they got to the window. Batman, so to speak, had disappeared. Nobody believed me".

During this time, a strange case occurred that many associated with the entity. Zorka Milutinovic, on her way to the store near the village of Javor, saw a bizarre entity in front of her and saw a bearded, long-haired creature. She could not make out the entity's face and could only watch in horror as the entity began to walk towards her with its arms outstretched. She was completely scared to death by this hairy anomaly, and she, in a fight over flight reaction, proceeded to run towards the entity armed only with her umbrella. The being proceeded to back away from her and walk past her, and upon passing her, it never turned to look back at her and continued to walk towards the top of Kika.

The police during this time did not have an immediate interest in the case only because no one had officially reported the entity to them. Yet, with the excessive rash of sightings as well as Zorka's close encounter, they immediately began to conduct an investigation. They started by questioning as many of the witnesses as possible, including Zorka. The witnesses were also brought to the mayor to discuss their sightings as well. The police from Zorka’s testimony eventually discovered that the entity which scared her so terribly was nothing more than a hoax created as a means of getting in on the overall hysteria that broke because of the initial sighting. It was also revealed that during the day of mass sightings that around 2:00pm, a large helium balloon was released that more than likely was the answer to just what was seen in the skies that day. The Monday sighting, they felt that was seen by Milos Dokic, his wife, and the children was some sort of motorized flying doll. This seemed to be the final word for the encounters as while believers and children watched the skies for a chance sighting, no further sightings were reported in the area.

Now, this officially ends the account of the Ljubovija Phantom, yet it, of course, was not the final word on the case. Some felt that the entire affair was created as yellow journalism as a way to sell newspapers; this hypothesis was especially supported by Miodras Isakov, the former deputy prime minister of the government of Serbia, who said, "Of course, this is someone's invention and its part of an attempt to increase the circulation of newspapers. There have been gullible people who like to hear, read and impress with such things". However, Jelena Petrovic, editor of the Blic Correspondence, which published most of the accounts, said in response, "We received serious information, the colleague who wrote the text is one of the best correspondents of Blic. We do not intend to increase the circulation of such texts at any cost. Already several journalist teams, including one German, became interested and went to Ljubovija. This is like the story of Mr. Goluza, a small environment where something is happening, and people are adding things that have nothing to do with each other; everything that happens is tied to it. People have seen something, and the question is, what is it. Then the imagination of others works, and it is a small environment in which nothing else happens.”

Now while the paper confirmed that this case was not an example of yellow journalism, which of course is something that one has to entertain when they look at older newspaper-centered cases. Yet even the Blic newspaper was fairly certain that this could be a case of misidentification or a case of mass hysteria, or people attempting to be apart or join the bandwagon in claiming to see the entity/ or seeing multiple things and believing it to be the same thing. Now certainly, with the sightings on the 24th, it does seem to indicate that there was a misidentified balloon. Yet the overall description seems to be completely different from a balloon. Now while this might be the correct answer or the simplest answer to the sightings on the 24th, one has to wonder just what the position of the winds were and whether it matched the path of the creature seen, because there is the possibility that the path of the balloon and the entity could be completely different.

Now, if one goes the route that the hundreds of eyewitnesses on the 24th were those of a misidentified balloon, then that still leaves the 1995 sighting, the summer of 2005 sighting, and the first sighting on the 22nd. Now looking at these sightings, there are still a few possibilities on the skeptical side. The first possibility that comes to mind is, of course, a human-shaped kite. Kites are a unique artform one I certainly am not a master of, yet they appear in several forms, and people have utilized them in a variety of different ways, including Kite fighting. Perhaps that is what the witnesses saw as a human-shaped kite with a cape is not impossible it also could explain why the entity was claimed to both hover and fly. Now, of course, this theory has problems as well; for one thing, the entity seemed to glow a bizarre color that was from what can be gathered from the articles noticeably different from what was reported. If it was simply the eyes which also glowed, I would state that it was from some sort of reflectors, but with the whole form glowing not from a noticeable point, this does not clearly work.

Another possibility regarding the sighting is that this creature could have been some sort of misidentified bird. The reason I mention this possibility is that there is never a detailed description of the entity outside that it is humanoid with some sort of cape. Perhaps this cape is actually wings. Some of Serbia's native wildlife, such as the Purple Heron or Great Cormorant, are darker in color and could, due to the light and walking on the roof, be mistaken for a human in a cape. While this might seem a ridiculous theory, the same idea has been used to explain other Fortean entities such as Mothman, the Flatwoods Monster, and the Jersey Devil. Also, when one thinks back to the being Milos claimed to see on the roof, he did describe it as small, which is much more in the ballpark of a bird than these other Fortean superstars. Now I will say the main problem with this theory is that the entity was seen both flying and hovering; this implies that there was no noticeable flapping wings which are mandatory for birds to propel themselves through the air. The only time birds do not require their own wings to propel themselves is if they are utilizing a thermal, which is something that most predatory birds do, and even still, this form of movement is akin to gliding and not hovering.

Now the next possibility gets into something I rarely cover, and that is a conspiracy or government mission. Now one of the major thoughts on this being was that some of the people of Serbia felt that this entity was a person, most likely an American agent or some sort of soldier with some sort of as of yet unidentified or new technology with the sole purpose of attempting to bring down Radovan Karadzic who was accused by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia of being responsible for numerous war crimes against Bosniaks. The United States became involved with attempting his capture by offering five million dollars. Throughout 2005 NATO troops had begun to arrest members of his family as Karadzic had remained elusive until then, and it was during this time that perhaps the man seen was some sort of soldier searching for Karadzic in Ljubovija. Now with all that said, I will say that if there was some sort of covert operation, there probably would be more than just one of these entities reported. When looking at just how the US has conducted other attempts to arrest other criminals or politicians, there are usually way more people involved, and typically, in these cases, the soldiers involved are either more or less more discrete than a floating black-caped glowing eyed entity.

Now another thing that one needs to also breakdown is the sightings that allegedly occurred before Milos, his wife, and the group of soccer-playing children saw the entity. Now the first and clearly most skeptical look is that the earlier sightings which were reported after Milos’s sighting were simply people trying to join the bandwagon after interest in the creature came out. The big problem with these reports is that there is no way to verify these reports; however, that, of course, does not mean that these encounters did not happen. If this is the case, the reason that these reports came out later is that these witnesses could tell their stories as there is now a kind of validation that others had now seen the same being. These sightings are, of course, if the latter is true, then just further evidence that this is more than likely not just a misidentification but rather something bizarre.

Now getting out of the realm of skepticism and into the Fortean, there are several possibilities that could explain this being. Clearly, this entity is not a cryptid. Cryptids by and large are natural animals in nature and range from the mundane such as the Eastern Mountain Lion to the believed to be extinct species such as the Mammoth or Tasmanian Tiger to the relatively believable Bigfoot or Yeti to the downright exotic such as the tri-legged winged water horse the Beast of Barrisdale. This entity would be a cryptid in the broadest sense of the word as a currently unofficial animal either undiscovered or extirpated but seen in the location, it no longer is said to roam, yet even this is only if what was seen was biological in some way, shape, or form. For the sake of simplicity, however, this entity does not fit the traditional cryptid as an undiscovered animal due to the fact that it wears clothes and has possible technology.

Now, this feature of clothing specifically seems to imply some sort of intelligence which, of course, leads into some of the other Fortean categories. The very first and one that was embraced by some researchers is that the entity seen could be extraterrestrial in origin. Extraterrestrials with capes are not a unique phenomenon. There have been several reports of such cases, but one, in particular, comes to mind that I mentioned in connection with the Gnome Aviator of Hertford case. This case which occurred on November 1st, 1954, in Cennina, Arezzo, Italy, involved small, diminutive ETs with leather aviator helmets and gray overall doublets with a kind of cape or cloak along their backs. These entities were three feet tall, and if one compares the being seen by Milos to these entities, there are slight yet noticeable similarities. Milos claimed that he saw a small man with a cloak on the roof but never got into a noticeable description except that the figure was dark in color with illuminated eyes and body. Aside from the overall lack of facial description, exact height, and of course the glowing eyes, the dark clothing, cape, and small stature are something that the Ljubovija phantom has in common with the Cennina case. Now, of course, that's about also the end of the similarities, and also it is important to point out the glaring problem with the extraterrestrial hypothesis in regard to this being, and that is the lack of reported craft in the area. While there is always the chance that the craft was located in some other section of the area, and this being decided to stray from the object to sight-see or whatever it does, of course, make it difficult to automatically assume this creature has an otherworldly origin.

Now while one cannot rule out the extraterrestrial possibility, it is certainly not the only possibility out there, and this, of course, includes the supernatural. In attempting to find something similar to this entity, my first thoughts were actually of a case I had recently covered in connection to the Cannock Chase Slenderman. This case which, much like the Ljubovija Phantom, was lumped in with a completely unrelated phenomenon simply because of the time frame and the popularity of the case connected. In this case, there was a report regarding a flying/hovering black entity that bore a long coat or cape and had a glowing set of red eyes that flew up and hovered over the witness late one night in Cannock Chase. Now, of course, there are some differences, just like with comparing the Ljubovija Phantom and the Cennina Aliens for one, when comparing the Ljubovija Phantom to this Cannock Chase entity while both figures are black, have glowing red eyes, and have some sort of long draping clothing there are significant differences between the two for while the Ljubovija Phantom is not described in detail the witness to the Cannock Chase being got a clear look and noted that this being had a homburg style of hat as well as a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth and compared the entity he saw to that of the notorious Spring-Heeled Jack. Now with the Ljubovija Phantom, there is an ambiguousness to its description to the point that even if the figure had similar features, it went unreported, yet in cases like these, we have to go off what the witnesses report, and so from the information gathered we must assume that these two while similar are separate entities. Yet while the Cannock Chase entity is most likely not the same as the Ljubovija Phantom, there are other similar cases, many of which came out around the same time.

In 2009 the History Channel’s show MonsterQuest created an episode based on a rash of bizarre sightings that were reported throughout Washington, Wisconsin, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico from the late 90s to the mid-2000s. These sightings were of humanoid figures, either silver or black in color, that flew, hovered, or glided over cities and desert these entities known as Unidentified Flying Humanoids or Flying Humanoids are extremely varied in description and many of which are extremely different in description yet there was a steady string of sightings of entities as ambiguous and similar to the being reported. For example, in 2006, near Chicago's O'Hare airport, there was a report of a large black figure with a cape or cape-like wings. Another case which occurred on February 14, 2004, involved three individuals in Mexico City witnessing a large craft, a strange, winged creature, and a flying black covered humanoid with a kind of cape or cloak on its back. Now during this time, there were tons of videos of strange shapes floating in the sky. Most of these turned out to be balloons or kites, yet there were several cases that remain unexplained that match the description seen in Ljubovija.

With the Flying Humanoids of this type and variety, they tend to be lumped into either Ufology or into the realms of witchcraft, Ultraterrestrials, or interdimensional beings. Witchcraft as the origin of these entities is primarily centered around the Latin American cultures and communities as often these entities are believed to be witches or some similar entity. It is important to note, however, that when discussing witch-flying humanoids, there usually is some bird element such as a bird-like body or wings with the head of a human, something that is not reported in this case. Now the possibility of this entity being an interdimensional being is something that, of course, is possible perhaps if this entity came from another dimension or plane of existence, it could have an entire biological structure that could make it airborne or could have some special technology or cultural garb that could result in the floating/hovering effect and cape. The Ultraterrestrial angle as well is something that this entity could be, but its purpose would seemingly be to mess with humans or some other reason like that and not to feed off of fear or another emotional response. The fact that the entity seen could be described as a kind of superhero-type figure would point more towards this type of Ultraterrestrial logic as opposed to if this was an Ultraterrestrial changing into, say, a dragon or demon.

With cases like this, there is a great difficulty in trying to sift through the real encounters and those that might be involved in a misidentification or as a way of joining a bandwagon. Much of this seems to be from a lack of interest of the Fortean community in reaching out to the witnesses and cataloging their encounters as well as any further detailed investigation, at least from what I've been able to find. It's from this and the overall ambiguous description of the entity and its actions, at least beyond what Milos and his wife encountered, that makes deciphering any clear picture of just what was seen in Ljubovija. Yet while a clear answer to just what the Ljubovija Phantom was cannot be officially claimed, it is important to note that chances are the entire flap was more than likely a mixture of a variety of factors such as a released balloon and an original unexplained sighting; however, as mentioned earlier, there are so many outlets to look at in regard to this case its mind-boggling. These possibilities and outlets I offer almost as a "choose your own answer" for this case as any of the possibilities in any string of choices are just as likely as the other. Once again, I really must thank Darwin from the Darwin’s Deviations and Tracing Owls Podcasts for giving me the information on this case. Its been a fascinating dive into an entity that has not outside of Albert S. Rosales been covered in the West and a fascinating case from a country that does not often get mentioned in most of the Fortean literature, so I’m so glad that I could dig a little deeper on it and if at the very least bring this case to a wider audience.

Quick Facts:

Species/Potential Species: Human with as of yet undisclosed technology, Extraterrestrial, Interdimensional, Misidentification, Ultraterrestrial

Location: Ljubovija, Serbia

Sighted: 1995/Summer 2005/ August 22, 24, 2005

Works Cited:

Darwin's Deviations Podcast Episode 15. “Serbian Mothman, Yugoslavian UFOs & Balkan Alien Crap”. December 08, 2020.

Tracing Owls Podcast Episode 5. “Phantom of Ljubovija: Serbian Mothman!”. May 8, 2021.

Humanoid Encounters The Others Amongst Us- 2000-2009 By Albert S. Rosales

“Mysterious flying phantom seen over Serbia after 38 years” Index HR. August 24, 2005. Accessed March 06, 2022.

“Mysterious Phantom Alarms Citizens of Ljubovije” ASI-ACN. August 24, 2005. Accessed March 10, 2022.

“2005: August UFO & Alien Sightings”. Think About It Docs. August 17, 2016. Accessed March 10, 2022.


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