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Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Blackwood Pigtaur

 The Blackwood Pigtaur

By Cole Herrold

Cryptids often appear to be a cross between at least two animals, typically a man and some other species like a bird, ape, or dog. Others, even though it's less common, are a total chimera of seemingly countless varieties of creatures. Perhaps the most famous chimera cryptid is the Jersey Devil with its bat-like wings, horse-like head, reptile-like tail, cloven hooves, and mammalian paws, and ram or deer-like horns, but it is not alone and seemingly is not the only chimeral cryptid creature in New Jersey if a particularly bizarre encounter from 1976 is to be believed.

It was on August 9, 1976, when a mother named Olivia and her daughter were preparing for the incoming gales of Hurricane Belle and, having gotten most of their mandatory prep work done, decided to get some horseback riding in before the storm started beating on their home. So, the two went to their barn, got their horses out, and proceeded to head towards the Lakeland area by Blackwood. They had visited the area several times and were quite familiar with the trails in and around the area. They chose on that day a specific dirt road that went along a nearby junkyard and began riding out into the woods. The winds were beating wildly already, but the pair already on hoof decided that they might as well make the best of it and continue on their trek. Things were normal even with the incoming storm that would soon hit the Jersey coast, that is until they got to a certain section of woods where everything went deathly silent. There were no bird songs or insects, just absolute quiet the pair noticed this as the woods on an average day were always so lively, and even before this section, there was a cacophony of noises. They listened to the eerie silence for some time when as if as some morbid prophetic omen, they heard the sound of a crow. The crow cawed three times and was heard no more, and as if on cue, the horses started acting up as if they were aware of something dangerous or frightening that the two could not see. The riders were trying to calm down their mounts and were doing their best to try to see what was upsetting the horses, but at their current spot, they could see nothing.

The mother and daughter continued on their path, and when they moved a little further up the path, they noticed something moving about 100 ft from them. They saw a dark form that appeared to be about 6ft in height, seemingly scratching its back on a tree. The creature had its back facing them, so they could not tell what the animal was. Olivia, when she first saw it thought that perhaps this was a large dog, or maybe they saw the top of the horse as the lower half was hidden by brush and nearby bushes. Olivia looked over to her daughter when she realized that neither of her guesses seemed to match, and so she asked, "What is that". As she said this, the figure moved away from the tree and began walking the path in front of them. They soon thought that whatever this was, it had to be a human since the figure was walking like a man, but they were confused since while it was windy, the person would be still extremely warm under all the fur clothing he seemed to wear. The two continued to follow the figure up the hill but kept their distance and moved extra slowly to try to discern just what was in front of them. All the while, the horses were becoming more and more difficult to control as they were seemingly deeply disturbed by the figure in front of them. All this soon broke out as the horses went wild, rearing up on their hind legs and whinnying loudly. This ruckus caught the attention of the figure in front of them, and as it turned around, Olivia and her daughter could tell that whatever this thing was, it was not human.

The figure before them seemed like something pulled from mythology; it was covered in whitish hair and had long curved horns. The creature stood on two feet, but in place of paws or toes, the creature had cloven hooves. The creature's hips had big spots on it like one would expect to see on a cow, and the creature had long muscular human-like arms with hands that were tipped with razor-sharp claws. While all this would seem like a classic Minotaur, there was one feature that seemed to indicate something of a more swinish origin as in place of a bull-like snout, the creature had an upturned and protruding pig-like nose. When she looked at the creature's face even further, she noticed that the creature had bright red slanting eyes and that the creature's fang-filled jaws were wide open and profusely drooling and slobbering. The creature, which was on the side of the path seeing these followers proceeded to jump into the middle of the road, arms outstretched, and proceeded to lower its head as if it was going to charge after them. Fearing that this would be an unconventional version of Spain's running with the bulls, the daughter was fretting frantically; however, as Olivia looked at the creature, she felt that she was almost in some sort of trance which she would later describe "like she was in a movie or something". Her daughter, seemingly noticed her mother's immobility began to yell to her, "Let's turn around and get out of here!" and only then did Olivia seem to snap from whatever trance she was in and realize the very real danger she could be in.

They could feel terror seething through their veins, and as they began to get the horses to turn around, the creature began to move. The creature began to charge at them but brought its arms into its body, tucking them inwards and running as the witness would describe "like the Bionic Man". The creature came extremely close to them and in an almost Legend of Ichabod and Mr. Toad style came so close to the witness that it almost grabbed one of their horse’s tails. But right before its clawed fist could close around the rear of the animal, they got their horses to speed off, running as fast as they could down the hill and the dirt path. When Olivia, in a moment of curiosity to see if they were still being chased by the creature, turned around, she could see that it still stood in the road at the exact spot where it had stopped to grab the horse's tail.

The pair, now mad dashing down the hill, had managed to make their way to the junkyard where almost in a scene reminiscent of such horror classics like My Bloody Valentine or Halloween, a police officer was parked seemingly oblivious to the nightmarish marauder that was lurking in his town. The Washington Township police officer saw the two on horseback running at break-neck pace towards his vehicle, and he proceeded to roll down the window. In strained and frenzied breath, Olivia and her daughter began to tell the officer of the strange creature that they encountered and, seeing the horrified expressions on their face, took them seriously enough to reach over and start to write a report on what the women were saying. As he was writing, he muttered, "Well I hope to hell we don't catch it," and almost as if on cue, the creature returned.

The creature exited the woods and entered the junkyard; it continued its bizarre bionic running and was coming straight towards the police car. The woman and officer could only look in horror as this Greek ghoul came sprinting through the old, dilapidated cars and hopped over the 8ft tall fence that surrounded the auto graveyard. The creature, however, either afraid of the law or for some other unknown reason, seemed not to care for the women and horses that it only moments earlier attempted to chase down and proceeded to gallop in front of the police car and into the nearby woods. The officer stared in disbelief at the awful abomination that he had just witnessed and looked over to Olivia and asked for her address as he wanted to speak to her later about the event the three of them had just witnessed. Olivia complied and began to lead the horses back home and into their stables. Olivia, however, never got to have that follow-up with the officer as apparently she did not make it home in time for his arrival, and he simply came and went.

Sometime later, a neighbor of hers who owned a local ranch told her that at one time, he had found one of his horses dead in the field with its stomach ripped open. Olivia kept this story secret for a long time until her daughter decided that she should come forward with her account and report it to the amazing New Jersey-oriented Fortean book and magazine writers and investigators Weird NJ. She discussed the full encounter over the phone and ended her account, stating, "I believe there is something out there. There were three witnesses that day and my daughter and I can recall vividly every moment of our encounter with this thing. Even after 40 years, Ill never forget it. I’ve never told this story to anyone outside of the family, but my daughter convinced me to tell it to Weird NJ”.

Some of the researchers took an interest in the tale and decided to do a follow-up focusing primarily on if there was an official report on the creature in the local police station. Upon asking several officers who were on the force during the time the event took place at the Lakeland Police Department, they were surprised to find that all of the officers knew about the encounter and claimed that the event did, in fact, happen. The officers also said that the creature seen in 76' was not alone as they frequently got reports about a bizarre flying creature that was also said to hang out in the same area.

This case is unique for many reasons, but perhaps the most interesting is that essentially what was described in the encounter was something like a cross between a known cryptid called a Pigman and a Minotaur, a seemingly mythological creature. Encounters with Minotaurs or Cowmen from a cryptozoological perspective are practically unheard of; these encounters are so rare that other rare cryptid species I've come to call Barnyard Beasts like Goatmen or Pigmen are common in comparison, so this encounter is very unique and rare simply for that reason. The creature's appearance, while cow like is also similar to a Pigman with features similar specifically akin to the Vermont Pigman as both creatures were reported to have whitish hair and a piggish proboscis. Now while I cannot rule out that this might be some unholy love child of a Minotaur and a Pigwoman (as there are reports even though they tend to be interconnected with ghosts), perhaps this pig-like feature could be a kind of deformity or because of Olivia's interpretation of the feature and it could actually be more cow-like.  Yet this is just speculation, and based on the description might just be some hybrid between the two cryptids or its own species altogether that just happens to bear a strong resemblance between the two kinds.

While this creature does appear to be a cryptid, there are some other options, obviously. One thing that points to a potential paranormal avenue for the origin of this creature is the almost trance-like state Olivia was seemingly put through. Now skeptically speaking, this could simply be Olivia attempting to rationalize what she was seeing in front of her and that she was so engulfed in fear that her fight or flight instinct had not kicked in. With that said, however, Olivia definitely described her encounter as being like a trance, so perhaps that is actually what occurred to her, but if so, where does that put this creature.

The creature being an extraterrestrial is highly unlikely, and arguably the same can go for the creature being a faerie unless this was some guise it ultimately was taking. Interestingly the cloven hooves, large horns, and humanoid form do seem to fit the iconic appearance of a demonic entity, yet the problem I have with just about any demonic claim is that the idea of a demon fits one specific kind of religious belief and that these entities would need to behave in the same ways that religion says they need to and almost in every case I've read including those involving the Warrens or Zak Bagans there is a lot of potential ambiguity with what these entities are and often after an exorcism or blessing the spirit is still there, or activity in the house continues years later. With this case, there is an extra layer when trying to fit this creature into this parameter as the creature would need to do something more ethereal such as disappear or possess someone, and outside of potentially putting someone in a trance, it did not do anything of the sort.

Another possibility is that this creature could be an interdimensional entity. The creature could have simply accidentally popped into our dimension and may not have noticed that it changed dimensions, and when the horses reacted, it was just as terrified to their reaction as they were to it, and the trance was its way of protecting itself or as a kind of predatory move. This, of course, is complete speculation. And alternatively, perhaps this creature could be an Ultraterrestrial as the creature seemingly only sought to scare the witnesses for food as it chased them, but they were able to get away as its appetite was satiated. This possibility is also extremely interesting when the creature is seen for a second time, and it seems to completely ignore those that only earlier it was seemingly attacking.

New Jersey has tons of bizarre beasts that are said to exist in the pines and woodlands of the state. While The Jersey Devil is perhaps the most famous along with Old Red Eyes, the Jersey Squatch, yet there are other equally bizarre creatures like a red-haired Collie faced cryptid that ran bipedally across Bowman Road in 1982 and, of course, the Musconetcong River Mantis Man (see entry for more information). This creature is clearly a fitting addition to the New Jersey Paranormal Pantheon, yet as with almost all paranormal entities, we are at a loss for a true answer. I would love a follow-up to this case either from Olivia, her daughter, or the officer who was there when the creature galloped across the road. Until the day comes when possibly one of the witnesses goes and adds more information to this account or perhaps others who had seen the same creature come forward, we are simply left questioning just what this creature is, where it came from, and perhaps more menacingly is there more of them.

Quick Facts:

Species/Potential Species: Mammal

Location: Blackwood, New Jersey

Sighted: August 9, 1976

Works Cited:

Jersey Devils, Bizarre Beasts And Other Creatures of Weird NJ By Mark Moran and Mark Sceurman 

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