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Monday, September 20, 2021

Amoeba Mummies of Lomo De Ballena


Amoeba Mummies of Lomo De Ballena

By Cole Herrold

The more one delves into the world of extraterrestrials, the more there are not only more bizarre encounters to read but also some interesting connections to other more famous cases. Perhaps the most famous is the rash of sightings of entities that seem similar to the Flatwoods Monster that occurred in Frametown. Similar cases occur today, such as when the show Hellier tried to link the Hopkinsville Goblins to a few anomalous photos of a creature and footprints they received. Its cases like this that in some way adds a patina of authenticity as others from various countries and from various decades describe encounters with the same or similar beings. This case from Peru is potentially is one such case as it bears some hallmarks in the appearance of the extraterrestrials to those of an infamous U.F.O. abduction case.

It was around 4:30 pm on February or March of 1952 (some sources state 1947) when a witness known only as "C.A.V." (assumedly initials) was driving along the Pan American Highway heading northbound towards the city of Lima. The witness was driving along when as he approached a desert area near Lomo De Ballena when something shiny seemed to catch his attention in the sky above. As he looked to see what this glaring object was, he noticed that it was a large object that appeared oval in shape. The object slowly began to descend, and "C.A.V.," curious about this strange craft, began to leave the safety of the road and, leaving his car, headed towards the now resting object. As "C.A.V." came closer to the object at a full sprint, he noticed that from what appeared to be a seamless object, a glowing door which opened along the side of the craft. He started to slow down as he saw this and came to a complete stop as something started to emerge from the now open vessel.

From this opening came three bizarre entities; each of them was approximately five feet tall, and their form was described as appearing like that of a classic mummy. They had noticeably joined legs that ended in a large round foot, and their form was covered in a towel-like texture for skin. When "C.A.V." looked into the face of the creatures, he noticed that they had no noticeable eyes, nose, mouth, or ears but where the eyes would have been a large transparent jelly with a large bubble in the middle. The trio of extraterrestrials proceeded to look at "C.A.V." before the entities began to speak to the understandably frightened man and ask in perfect English whether they were in North America. The entities stared at the man who could only respond with no, this is South America. The entities continued to look at the man and just then begun to speak fluent Spanish and say to the continuously surprised man, "take us to your chief." The entities seeing that the man was surprised by this request, soon explained that they were from another star and were concerned about the dangers this planet could cause with atomic energy. The man continued to listen and stare in disbelief at the entities when suddenly, for no true apparent reason, the entities decided to give him a lesson in the birds and bees on their species and state that they as a species were asexual and that they reproduce by fission. As the entities were explaining all this, one suddenly started to split in two like an amoeba resulting in now four identical mummy-like creatures.

After this conversation, the entities, seemingly now unconcerned with finding a leader, began to head once more to their ship. As they did this, one turned around and asked him if he would like to come aboard. Apparently no longer frightened by these visitors, “C.A.V." approached the craft cautiously and slowly began to enter the craft. The first thing he noticed was that the craft was transparent from the inside, and he could see everything around him. The next most startling thing about this object was that the object contained no machinery. "C.A.V." entered the craft, and the door closed; the craft proceeded to take him on a quick drive along the coast. What happened after this went unreported, but something had happened to "C.A.V." to the point that this entire encounter was erased from his memory and would be brought back to remembrance through the aid of hypnosis.

As with most South American cases, there appears to be nothing else written about this case. I came across this case in Albert S. Rosales masterpiece Humanoid Encounters: 1950-1954, and the only source listed for this case was simply listed as Richard Greenwell. I've been trying to see if this came from a book or article, but the lack of source outside of the researcher makes further follow-up on this account extremely difficult. With that said, it is extremely interesting, but to me, the most interesting aspect of this case is a similarity to a groundbreaking and infamous case.

In 1973 a similar group of extraterrestrials was responsible for abducting two individuals out fishing on the Pascagoula River. The case known as the Pascagoula Abduction featured three strange extraterrestrials who abductees Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker would describe as having elephantine-like skin with legs that connect into a single round foot. The creature's arms were long with mitten-like hands and also had featureless faces with one exception they bore three long carrot-like projections, which appeared where the ears and nose would be. Those features were the only facial features the creatures had. These abductors are almost identical to the Amoeba Mummies except for the faces of the entities, which while both are basically featureless, the Pascagoula abductors did have the long carrot-shaped protrusions, whereas the Amoeba Mummies had that black jelly with a bubble. Perhaps the Pascagoula Abductors are the same, and that what appeared to be spiky protrusions were some sort of technology or helmet that hid the black goo from view.

Pascagoula Abductor- Similarities to the Amoeba Mummies in almost all features but the face

Even with the similarities to the Pascagoula Abductors, these entities do seem to be very different; they talk as opposed to the Pascagoula entities, which only were reported to make beeping sounds adding to the hypothesis that they may have been robots or something similar. The Amoeba Mummies reproduce something the Pascagoula Abductors, at least from what was reported, did not or were incapable of. The Mummies also had a very different style of craft compared to what the Pascagoula Abductors came in, so this difference in technology could also mean that they are different culturally and species-wise.

While there might not be a connection with the Pascagoula Abductors, these aliens might be connected to a wider series of U.F.O. flaps that had occurred throughout South America during the 50s and 60s. These encounters had several areas of high concentration, but one particular area worth noting and, of course, important to this case is the Pan American Highway. The Pan American Highway had tons of cases of people reporting crafts as well as several bizarre entities which may have been connected or are directly connected with U.F.O.s. One particular case is the Martian Shrub which occurred in 1962 when two men had almost hit a nearly 3ft tall entity covered in silver and gold strips with several eyes over its plant-like body. Perhaps this entire area has some features that appeal to these visitors that we have not discovered yet.

From what I have so far discovered, there have, after the Pascagoula case, never been any other similar entities reported. These entities, much like the rest of the Space Parade, leave us with a variety of questions, especially with their concern about our atomic usage. Are these entities concerned with our welfare or our capabilities of stopping an invasion, or is it that this is some resource that never should have been utilized? We perhaps will never know the truth since most of these entities disappear, never to be reported or seen ever again.

Quick Facts:

Species/Potential Species: Extraterrestrial (potential Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species undeterminable)

Location: Pan American Highway, Lomo De Ballena, Peru, South America

Sighted: 4:30 pm February or March 1947/1952

Works Cited:

Humanoid Encounters: 1950-1954- The Others Amongst Us By Albert Rosales

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