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Thursday, March 18, 2021

Napa Rebobs

by Cole Herrold

California is one of the most famous areas when it comes to Fortean phenomenon. The state is home to Bluff Creek, where the infamous Patterson-Gimlin film was shot. The state is home to the Winchester Mansion, one of the most haunted and unique buildings in the United States. A sea serpent was allegedly beached and photographed in Santa Cruz, and a bipedal reptilian monster attacked a man in his car near a Riverside, California Bridge. It is surprising that a state we often associate with high population density would also seem to be a major mystery hotspot. While the state is home to classic phenomena like Bigfoot, ghosts, and sea serpents, it is also home to one of the most bizarre and downright ridiculous creatures in the books.

I first came across the creatures known as the Napa Rebobs while watching an episode of Monsters and Mysteries in America. These creatures were described as mirror images to the flying monkeys from the classic children book and fantasy film the Wizard of Oz. These creatures allegedly reside in a particular section of the Napa Valley known as Partrick Road. However, some sources, when researching the phenomena, do misname the road Patrick Road. The creatures allegedly have been in the Napa Valley area since at least the '50s, or 60's yet upon digging in newspaper archives, paranormal books that mention or focus on the region, and deep-dive Google searches, I have found no mention of these creatures at least officially prior to 2008.

When researching this topic, the overall vibe I had for these creatures was similar to other cryptids like the Maryland Goatman, Pope Lick Monster, Sheepman of Waterford, and a myriad of other bizarre beasts rumored to roam in the backwoods of small towns. The feeling was only exacerbated when finding out the alleged origin of the Rebobs. The Rebobs origin, which has been generally accepted by the local community, is a kind of pre-Cold War conspiracy that is similar to a variety of other stories of other cryptic creatures in the U.S. and one that was written about in literature by the minds of authors such as Mary Shelley. The belief is that a mad scientist working for the government or for his own scientific curiosity created the primates.

There are multiple reasons as to why such an endeavor was pursued. One rumor was that the scientist during WWII was working on a super-soldier by creating a human/monkey hybrid, not unlike the alleged Stalin Ape Man program in Russia. The result was the Rebobs which, much like every classic sci-fi/horror monster made in a lab, managed to escape into the surrounding woodlands, where they, in turn, reproduced, resulting in the current scourge that Partrick Road now has. In a more classic horror take on this aspect of the legend, the government chose Partrick Road for the local cemetery to use the bodies in their research.  While humans and primates can be interbred, resulting in infertile offspring and there has been documented experimentation between the two, if this occurred, it really does not explain the Rebobs, for they in almost all sightings that are reported they are winged.

Another alleged origin featuring a mad scientist claims that a scientist was sewing on bat wings to monkeys and somehow managing much like what occurred to Dr. Carl Hill’s head in Bride of Re-Animator to give them the ability of flight. Now apparently, the experiments this scientist was working on were extremely successful until his eventual death. The human-made flying monkeys had managed to somehow make their way into the woods, where they managed to reproduce. The result of the union of these creatures is the Rebobs reported today. While this story is just as colorful as the human/monkey hybrid story, it is biologically impossible. This idea predates Darwinian concepts of evolution and is something Zoologist Lamarck had theorized. The idea, for the most part, has been disproved after an experiment conducted by A. Weismann, a biologist, conducted a rather cruel experiment to see if Lamarck's concepts on evolution were valid. In the experiment, he removed the tails of 5 generations of mice and recorded the offspring's tail length.  In the experiment, he found that the tail length of all the mice offspring was not shortened or in any way receding, indicating the lack of biological change the Lamarck hypothesized. So, using this same logic with the Rebobs, this could not be the possible origin of the creatures unless the scientist found some way to genetically alter the DNA of the primates so their offspring would naturally have the capability of flight, but that is extremely unlikely.

A similar legend states that this same scientist managed to cross monkeys and bats together, resulting in the winged offspring, which we now know as Rebobs. As with other variants in the legend, the scientist either is killed by his creation, or the creation escapes into the woods pre or post-death of the creator. They were thusly leading into more and more Rebobs until a colony managed to make its home in the Partrick Road area. Some additional features are described as extended in this version, namely the fangs and claws.

Another legend of creation with these beasts is something that seems pulled straight from the pages of D.C. Comics as they claim that these creatures are, in fact, not just half-monkey/half-bat or bird but also half robot. These cyborg beasts were the results of once more another mad scientist who created them for the government or his own purposes, but during either an uprising of his creation or his death, the creatures managed to escape making their way into the woods where they now proceed to dwell and assumedly reproduce to this day. This has been claimed to be where the name Rebobs came from, for it is similar to the word robot. How the mechanical aspects of their characteristics are passed on is not explained, and in the research, I've dug into, there is no evidence of them being any sort of mechanical.

While there are varying degrees of these tales from the Napa Valley of the scientist-oriented origin of the Rebobs, the most plausible answer and most skeptical comes from the Napa Valley Register. The Register, while often writing tongue firmly in cheek on the Rebobs, stated that the scientist element of the legend clearly came from the influence of the classic B-films of the 50s and 60s. Which interestingly is around the same time the legend is supposed to of been born. While this seems to be nothing more than an urban legend at first glance, there is something we as researchers cannot ignore, and that is the eyewitness accounts and potential evidence.

The first alleged sighting of this creature which appears on the Exemplore website describes how in the 50s or 60s, a motorist driving through the area had caught sight of a 9ft tall hairy ape-like creature in the area. It was after this initial sighting that the Rebob encounters began to truly take shape, and while this sighting report is ambiguous, to say the least, as the years progressed, other sightings of more definition would come and take shape.

Legends about the reported behavior of the monstrous Rebobs flittered about being the topic of many hallway conversations. The area became one of many lover's lanes because of this as would-be lovers would park up there to get a little closer either from fright or in romantic bliss. From this courtship ritual, tales of the allegedly aggressive nature of the Rebobs would surface. It was said that the Rebobs would come out of the trees and attack the cars of whoever would dare enter their domain if someone so foolishly chose to park there. The creature's reason for attacking is due to an ever-growing taste for human flesh. Allegedly the most tantalizing is the "passion-filled flesh" of those up there to do some private pastimes.

An area the Rebobs frequent most often is the private cemetery found on Partrick Road. The cemetery is said to be a favorite haunt of the cemetery, and it has since been claimed that any who wander into the cemetery at night will find the Rebobs sitting in the trees waiting to pounce and feast on the flesh of any who enter their lair. Another area not far from the cemetery is the Partrick Mansion which has a similar story connected to it. The Partrick Cemetery and mansion are connected to the Partrick family, which is where the name of the road comes from. The Partricks and the Rebobs have always been connected, yet as of why has never truly been explained.

The area of Partrick's Road if the legend is to be believed, is correct in that it is not the only place where these creatures have ventured. In tales reminiscent of Roald Dahl's, The BFG, the flying monkeys like sadistic peter pans would fly through open windows through Napa and would kidnap children for various reasons. The creature's main reason for taking the children is often described mostly for the consuming of the little ones, but other stories describe them simply dismembering children and leaving their remains scattered in the woods as macabre decorations or in less grotesque variations to keep the children as slaves but for what reason is never described. These creatures also are claimed to have an intense hatred for cats and take pleasure in stealing them and skinning them.

While this behavior was most certainly meant to scare off children and keep horny teens out of dark places, it seemed to of worked on the Rebobs, too, for sightings of them in the 70s seemed to dwindle. In place of the allegedly authentic encounters, there was instead a horde of hoaxed encounters of those some were of a hysterical nature, such as the use of pigeons with gorilla masks, whereas others had simply just jumped out at those in cars in some guise or another. This lack of seriousness for the phenomenon would lead to the creatures not being written about till at least 2008, when a group known as “the Napa Rebob Trackers” appeared on Facebook.

The group was several locals, and other individuals who were captured by the legend of the Rebobs offer an interesting patina to the tale. For with this group, we can one confirm that this is indeed something that the locals have been aware of and not something generated specifically by some creative person on the internet. Many of the people on there tell second or third-hand tales or stories their parents told them, but it also has some interesting supposed first-hand accounts one witness posted in 2010 that, at one point while out driving Partrick Road, he had a large something hit the roof of his car. Thinking it was a pinecone or some other kind of natural debris, he moved on and didn't think anything of it until he got out of his car where he found three distinctive claw marks, each an inch apart on the roof of his car and an area where it appeared that something had pushed in the roof of the car.

Soon after, sightings and the legend of the Rebobs spread like wildfire, but the real boom did not occur until the creatures had made an appearance on a famous paranormal T.V. show. In the season 3 Monsters and Mysteries of America episode called “Carolina Reptile Man, Succubus, Napa Rebobs," which was released in 2015, there were three interviewed witnesses who claimed to of encountered creatures matching the description and behavior of the Rebobs.

Adam Danielskis, at one point, had decided to go see if the rumors of what lurked on Partrick Road were true and so decided to go with several friends camping in the woods. The group had arrived early before dark and began to set up their campsite. The group, not having a tent, decided to roll out some blankets and sleeping bags to give some comfort for the night. As the makeshift bedding was finally set up, the group opened their cooler and partook of the delicious libations that were interned within. Adam being the lookout, was as sober as a saint and watched as his cohorts were indulging in the brain-numbing refreshments. The group had gone through most of the cooler when a sharp scream broke the merry laughter and chattering. The scream sounded like a woman in distress and disturbed the group but seeing as this was a lover's lane, they didn't take too much worry about it.

It was starting to get dark out, and the group was figuring out how the shifts would go as the group had begun to get ready for bed. Adam had already picked the first watch, and as the others squabbled over the second shift, a louder scream rang out from the woods. The group stared into the general area of the noise. They were terrified, so terrified at that point they had decided not to go back to the car—something they would later regret. So, Adam took his post and began to wait out the long night, and slowly, one by one, his friends had fallen to sleep. His eyes weighed heavy as he continued the long shift, but it wasn't long before he too fell asleep. The night went on, and all appeared to be quiet as though not a creature was stirring, but this was not the case. It was 7:00 in the morning when the group woke up. The group slowly one by one began to get up and roll up there blankets and sleeping bags when one of Adam's friend stepped up and there across his chest was three long claw marks. The group rushed over him, inspecting the cut and questioning how this could have happened as everything was fine the night before. The group, in a terrified mindset, decided finally that they needed to get out of there and, grabbing their cooler and sleeping arrangements, ran through the woods towards the car and sped out of the area.

When the group returned home, they had told their family and friends about their brush with the Rebobs, but as with most cases, their relatives and other friends did not believe them. Weeks later, the group had decided to return to the road to verify not only to their friends and families but also to themselves that what happened in that woods last night was really caused by something unknown. It was an inkwell night when they drove up that desolate stretch of road. The group silently looked out into the woods, but the only thing they could see was the road and the dust that was picked up on the wind and by their car in the headlights. They slowly worked their way up the road waiting for anything, when suddenly a dark form was illuminated by the headlights in the middle of the road. Adam watched as a humanoid shape jumped out away from the car and, in another jump, clamor up a nearby tree. The creature growled and made other unearthly noises as the car passed. Adam stared in horror as the beast made its way up the tree. It was as he stared into the darkness that a sinister thought crept into his brain. If there's one, could there be more? The group feeling more terrified than accomplished, quickly spun around and began to drive till they could see the lights of the city.

In 1997 two 17yr olds Bryan Cherrington and Sabrina Monta, decided to follow in the footsteps of many bored Napa Valley teenagers from the time and decided to go out to Partrick Road and look for the Rebobs. They had decided to go up to the old abandoned Partrick House at the top of the road. It was pitch black when they left and drove up the winding road. They reached about halfway up the road when they felt the temperature drop. The two froze in their car as the bizarre temperature shift seemed to come out of nowhere. The two, however, were continuing up through the black void of the wooded Partrick Road, looking out in the slightly illuminated trees for anything exceptionally off. The couple eventually made it to the top of the road, where they had seen the large wrought iron gate. It loomed over them and gave an eerie foreboding to the pair. The pair, however, ignoring better judgment, had proceeded to get out of their car, walking towards the property with Bryan in the lead. Bryan had made his way to the gate and was inspecting it to see if he could slip through it. Sabrina was getting the feeling as she was waiting for Bryan that she was being watched. The cold encapsulated her, and she began to express the want to leave the area. As if on cue, a peculiar sound emanated from the grounds of the estate like the beating of wings. Bryan stopped and listened as the sound erupted in the area. Bryan stared through the gate and had as the noise seemed to stop to tell Sabrina to go back to the car. It was in that moment the noise came once more, and there the couple's eyes locked on some strange ape-like creature that was peering at them from behind a tree. The creature's eyes were bright red and seemed to penetrate the very essence of the two. The couple felt in that moment that this was not some friendly critter but something with the full intention of making the trespassers its meal. The pair, in a terrified state, proceeded to run and hop into their car as fast as possible and did not stop till they got to the very end of the road. Only then did Bryan pull off and began to talk about what they had seen. Sabrina asked Bryan what he had seen, and as he described the beast, she said she saw the same thing, and it matched what she saw to a T.

While the three witnesses on the tv show were the only major witnesses to come forward to the public about their encounters, as the Rebobs slowly worked their way into other paranormal and cryptozoology websites, others would step up and discuss their own encounters in the comments of the websites. One such account was found on the Exemplore comments section in 2019. The account came from a witness known only as J.C. the witness is not expressed as either a male or female, so when recounting the tale, I will use both pronouns, respectively.

 J.C. had decided to go with his/her friends out to Partrick’s Road one warm summer night. The group had gotten the notion of traveling up to the infamous Partrick Cemetery, but J.C. was wary and had pleaded to her/his colleagues to go find some other place to hang about. His/her cries went unheard, and the car slowly made its way to the burial place. The gang had parked out front, and the group did what most kids do on desolate stretches of road. J.C. was fine at first, but something kept eating at her/him, and it was a feeling he/she could not shake. It was as though somewhere out in the darkness, something was watching the group, something predatory. He/she continued to feel uneasy when she/he looked up into the trees surrounding the car there; she/he caught sight of something red darting through the trees. The glowing orbs stopped suddenly, and he/she could tell that the red was, in fact, two glowing eyes moving in the branches overhead. The eyes seemed to become more intense and gave him/her the feeling as though it could see into her/his soul. A feeling of anxiety crept in as he/she knew that chances were this creature was on the attack. She/he wouldn't have to wait long, for almost on cue, there was a sudden thump on the back of the car, which made the whole vehicle shake. Her/his friends laughed, thinking it was some branch or the wind, but J.C. felt even more unnerved. She/he looked back to where he/she had seen the eyes and saw nothing. The tension built in her/his mind and body, and he/she urged his/her friends to leave the area. Ultimately her/his friends had decided to leave the area, and as one turned the key in the ignition, there was nothing but silence when there should have been a roaring engine. Eventually, after several tries, the car managed to roar to life, and just as they were about to leave, the car once more began to shake. The shaking was not alone, however, for it was followed by the sound of long scraping sounds. J.C. soon screamed, "let's get out of here!" her/his friend put the car into drive and proceeded to drive as fast as he dared to on the road. J.C. screamed even louder, "go, go, go. Fucking Faster!" the scraping continued until they got about halfway down the road when the sounds finally stopped. The group drove to J.C.'s house and slowly got out of the car for fear of whatever had been clawing at the top, potentially lying-in wait for when the vehicle stopped to tear them limb from limb. To the group's relief, nothing was there. J.C.'s friend took a flashlight out of his glovebox and examined the roof, and there on the roof were two large dents as though something had jumped down from above and along both sides of the car were long scratch marks that went down the entire length of the car.

Written and researched accounts of the Rebobs are scarce, so I must applaud those who have had an encounter and, even if it's simply a comment, the courage that it took to come forth with their sighting. Many of these encounters, however, that are reported are rather ambiguous, and even the most detailed accounts do not give us a clear description of the creature outside of red-eyed and humanoid or primate-like. Wings are described in the legends around town, but just taking into account what is reported, there is no clear evidence for that. So, it raises the question then what are people seeing?

The first instinct is that this is an escaped primate from a collection, but the problem with this is that, as far as I can tell, there have not been any reports of missing chimpanzees or orangutans in the area. Even if it was an escaped population from the 50s, and they somehow managed to reproduce in the woods around Partrick Road, which is, of course, a possibility, why hasn't there been more evidence in regard to missing animals or some knowledge of some exotic collector in the area reached the news? With these creatures, all of their assumed origins are of some scientific freak origin as opposed to the exotic pet or even derailed circus train hypothesis, which is a constant occurrence in supposed cryptid origin.

Another possibility that occurs is the fact that this creature is a kind of Bigfoot or other normal cryptid primates. Bigfoot is seen fairly regularly in California, and according to the BFRO database, there was one sighting reported in the Napa County during the late 80s. This possibility is also plausible, especially when considering the first account from the 50s or 60s by a motorist described a 9ft tall hairy bipedal creature which is a classic bigfoot description. Could it be that what was seen led due to embellishment or storytelling that the creatures of the area were flying primates as opposed to classic upright hairy hominids? It would make sense, and even how these creatures behave based on the few sightings we do have feature them attacking cars which is something that is a common occurrence. One such occurrence, which is often linked with Jersey Devil reports, describes a man trying to change his tire when a hairy creature proceeded to hammer down on the roof of his car. This continued till the man got into his vehicle and drove the rest of the way home. A more famous case involves two girls trapped in their car by the infamous Momo. The creature's actions are either described as those of curiosity or aggression, especially when it had tried to get into the vehicle by opening the door.

Another cryptid primate that is very much more in line with how the Napa Rebobs are supposed to behave is the malicious Devil Monkeys of the Midwest and South. These creatures are usually described as large baboons about three to four feet tall in height. They have an impressive jumping ability which some have estimated to be up to 20ft in length. These creatures are almost a dead ringer for the Napa Rebobs from height, even though some have claimed that Rebobs can grow to heights of 7ft which is also an alleged size for Devil Monkey's although not as common as the smaller varieties. A sighting in 1959 from Virginia describes how one had proceeded to attack a car leaving much like the Napa Rebob cases three distinct claw marks on the vehicle. Other accounts also describe vehicle damage done by Devil Monkeys, much of which is almost identical to what the Rebobs have claimed to do. It is entirely possible that the real Napa Rebobs are, in fact, overly embellished cases of Devil Monkeys since there are way too many similarities to be unconnected, and they are much more biologically plausible than a winged primate but to give the non-primate devil his due that the reports are describing what in town legend suggests there have been cases over time that do describe Winged Primates.

Winged Primates, while a staple in children's literature, may have some basis, in fact. Across the world, tales of flying primates have occurred, but most come from islands in Indonesia. The Orang Bati of Seram is described as a primate with a pair of wings that flies from the mountainous regions of the island at night to kidnap children to eat from the villages on the islands, which interestingly is not so different from some of the legends of the Napa Rebob. These creatures are described as being around 5ft tall with black leather bat wings, red skin, and a long slender tail. Another creature near Seram on the island of Java also is described as a mixture of primate and bat. The Ahool of Java, so named for its distinct cry, is described as a large bat with the head of a monkey. This is perhaps the most famous variety of reported flying primates out there, even though most researchers believe that it is, in fact, a giant bat. Could it be that if the Rebobs do have wings, they flew from Asia and took up residence in California? I doubt it, but it is a possibility.

While the vast majority of sightings of creatures called Rebobs are the primate type variety, there is one other kind that has been mentioned in most of the sources. This alternative kind of Rebob is extremely different and is commonly described as being a kind of walking plant that is covered in branches. While this variation is mentioned, there has never been any further information available on this type. So, there is also from this aspect that Rebobs, much like Napes or Jersey Devil or Thunderbirds, is an umbrella term for any bizarre creature reported in this specific section of the United States, with the only tying thread being a humanoid-like appearance.

While all of these point to a biological origin of the creature, there are alternative ideas that have been proposed over the years, many ranging from a supernatural entity to a government perpetrated cover-up. The supernatural element is often associated with anything with wings from Mothman to Flying Humanoids to the Jersey Devil, so the Rebobs are a logical inclusion with a motley crew of bizarre beasts. There is something though potentially to this in regard to the Rebobs for biologically, while there are reports from Indonesia of flying primates, there has never been a species that biologically created wings from its back as the Rebobs are often depicted as having. Wings are essentially in dumbed-down terminology, modified arms and hands for the purpose of flight. They are not some alternative bone structure that has no origin evolutionarily as what seems to be the case in these types of creature cases. This would indicate one of three possibilities, two of which are of a more paranormal nature. One is that these creatures are, in fact, entities such as demons or Ultraterrestrials creatures that exist for the sole purpose of generating terror to feed off the energy. There are even in some reports bizarre temperature drops and other anomalous effects in connection to these creatures that seem to hint at this kind of possibility.  Two is that they are Multidimensional beings. Creatures who, for some reason or another, can pop in and out of our dimension either intentionally or unintentionally and have an entirely different evolutionary biology from the species we know, making back wings possible. And finally, three once more returning to the world of biology, a fluke of evolution where for some reason, a separate bone structure has over time evolved to create non-arm-based wings much like an insect. Yet, there is still another possibility.

As with most fringe topics, there is almost always the belief that the government has some play in the creation of the covering up of some alleged incident. The Rebobs is no exception with this bandwagon, and many stories and legends connect the government to Partrick Road. The most famous is that there is a doomsday safety center in an old government building that sole purpose is to keep the president in on the chance of a nuclear strike against the U.S. Many who have visited the area claim there are gun turrets and high fencing surrounding the assumed government sanctioned area. Black helicopters have often been reported flying over the area, which to those who believe a conspiracy is afoot felt is evidence that something top secret is occurring on Partrick Road. Some of those who feel the government is doing some secret research or activities in the area also believe the Rebobs are part of it. The belief is that the Rebobs were either biologically or mechanically created to distract those on Partrick Road in an almost Scooby-Doo villain style to keep people away from the really serious events that occur on that desolate stretch of road. Just what that supposed activity has never, as far as I'm aware of state, so if true, it's just as mysterious as the Rebobs.

While the creature’s origin is as debated as every Fortean topic known, it has not stopped people from the Napa area from taking the creatures under their wing. In March 2018, the Napa High School had proposed the idea of choosing the Napa Rebobs as their new mascot. There was even a design created to help further the decision along, but unfortunately, the school went in another direction. As stated earlier, the creature's influence helped start a Facebook group, and they made it to the small screen with their appearance on the seventh episode of season three of Monsters and Mysteries in America, but their influence doesn't end there a band also took up to calling themselves the Rebobs and even went so far as creating an album called Partrick Road which featured a Rebob on a desolate road as cover art. This was further elaborated on a track called "Flight of the Rebobs."  Outside of Pop Culture, the Napa Valley Register has regularly posted satirical and comedic articles featuring the local legend, which in some ways furthers the legend even more. Another local, Theresa Comstock, took up painting oil images of the creatures, one of which appears on almost every website. She claims to know further information about the Rebobs and even what species they are related to/descended from, yet most of the species do seem unlikely.

The Rebobs is a curious account. Apart of me, I feel these creatures are a fearsome critter of modern times no different than the sliderock bolter, hodag, or the squonk, but there is one thing that just can't be ignored, and that is the eyewitness testimony. While some are from less than reputable sources as comment sections or Facebook posts which of course could be individual making a mockery of a potentially real phenomenon or just having fun with the concept, if we take it at face value, there is the chance that what is being seen as something that researchers might want to examine more closely. My personal belief after reviewing this case is what is reported is a west coast Devil Monkey, but if the wing reports are correct, there is very much the chance that what is being seen as something that is so different than what we know of evolution currently. So, for me, the jury is still out if that's the case. I do feel some researchers in the Napa area should definitely try to chronicle the accounts for other researchers, for this could help other researchers to understand what is truth and what is the legend for as stated, there's a heavy blur between the two. Yet all of this is something that really will only be unleashed through the course of time, so until then, the Rebobs remain a mystery. One that will cause both pride and terror for any who decide to go to Partrick Road.

Quick Facts:

Species/Potential Species: Primate
Location: Partrick Road, Napa Valley, California
Sighted: 1950s-Modern Times

Works Cited:

Andrew “The Rebobs Of Napa Valley!” Paranormal Encounters. June 8, 2015. Accessed March 13, 2021.
Nadel, Darcie “Rebobs: The Flying Monkeys of Napa Valley” Exemplore, July 7, 2020. Accessed March 13, 2021.
Grey, Orrin “Meet The Rebobs, Flying Monkeys Of Napa Valley Created By The Government”, Ranker, June 6, 2019. Accessed March 13, 2021.
Tokar, David “Rebob season is here early this year”. Napa Valley Register. March 2, 2020. Accessed March 15, 2021.
The Napa Rebobs. Cryptic Chronicles May 27, 2018. Accessed March 13, 2021.
“Napa Rebob Trackers” Facebook. Accessed March 13, 2021.
The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates By Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe
Monsters of Virginia: Mysterious Creatures of the Old Domain By L. B. Taylor, Jr
Mysterious America By Loren Coleman
Monsters and Mysteries in America Season 3 Episode 7 “Carolina Lizard Man, Succubus, and Napa Rebobs”

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